U.S. Salmon Markets: A Survey Of Seafood Wholesalers
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NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:The recent commercial success in producing pen-raised salmon is an exciting development in the fisheries industry. Fishermen concerned about the effect of increased farm production on domestic and foreign markets and the value of fishing licenses, and salmon farmers concerned about future revenues will be interested in this report--the results of a survey of U.S. seafood wholesalers. The purpose of the survey was to solicit opinions about market aspects of handling pen-raised salmon, to understand factors affecting pen-raised salmon sales in the U.S., and to predict how pen-raised salmon might affect other U.S. products. The results of the survey suggest that farmed Atlantic salmon and fresh, high-valued species of Pacific salmon are substitutes for one another in the market. This booklet is a companion to AK-SG-86-03, The marketing relationship between Pacific and pen-raised salmon: A survey of U.S. seafood wholesalers, by R.V. Rogness and B.-H. Lin.
Sea Grant Document Number:AKU-S-90-001
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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