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This page includes the documents that were newly added to the repository within the last 30 days.
  • Assessing survey design changes of longterm fisheryindependent groundfish trawl surveys in the Gulf of Mexico
    Assessing survey design changes of long-term fishery-independent groundfish trawl surveys in the Gulf of Mexico
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  • Molecular signatures reveal intraspecies divergence undetectable by traditional morphology in the deadly box jellyfish Chironex yamaguchii Cubozoa Chirodropidae of Western Pacific
    Molecular signatures reveal intra-species divergence, undetectable by traditional morphology, in the deadly box jellyfish, Chironex yamaguchii (Cubozoa; Chirodropidae) of Western Pacific
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  • Environmentdriven trends in larval abundance predict fishery recruitment in two saltwater basses
    Environment-driven trends in larval abundance predict fishery recruitment in two saltwater basses
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  • Longterm population trend of northern anchovy Engraulis mordax in the California Current system
    Long-term population trend of northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) in the California Current system
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  • Genetic and evolutionary divergence of harbour seals Phoca vitulina in Iliamna Lake Alaska
    Genetic and evolutionary divergence of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Iliamna Lake, Alaska
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  • Breathhold capacities and circadian dive rhythmicity shape optimal foraging strategies in a polar marine mammal the Weddell seal Leptonychotes weddellii
    Breath-hold capacities and circadian dive rhythmicity shape optimal foraging strategies in a polar marine mammal, the Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii)
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  • Ecosystembased fisheries management of crab fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands
    Ecosystem-based fisheries management of crab fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands
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  • Estimates of disclosure and victimization rates for fishery observers in the maritime workplace
    Estimates of disclosure and victimization rates for fishery observers in the maritime workplace
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  • Effects of satellitelinked telemetry tags on humpback whales in the Gulf of Maine Photographic assessment of tag sites
    Effects of satellite-linked telemetry tags on humpback whales in the Gulf of Maine: Photographic assessment of tag sites
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  • Detecting Attributing and Projecting Global Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Change FishMIP 20
    Detecting, Attributing, and Projecting Global Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Change: FishMIP 2.0
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  • Making do with less Extending an acousticbased time series of euphausiid abundance using an uncrewed surface vehicle with fewer frequencies
    Making do with less: Extending an acoustic-based time series of euphausiid abundance using an uncrewed surface vehicle with fewer frequencies
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  • A comparison of 4 histological staining methods for revealing oocyte development atresia and postovulatory follicles in 3 fish species
    A comparison of 4 histological staining methods for revealing oocyte development, atresia, and postovulatory follicles in 3 fish species
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  • Age growth and reproductive biology of Achilles tang Acanthurus achilles around Hawaii Island USA
    Age, growth, and reproductive biology of Achilles tang (Acanthurus achilles) around Hawai'i Island, USA
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  • The gill oxygen limitation hypothesis remains unsupported by experimental evidence Response to Testing mechanistic theories must be based on correct interpretations
    The gill oxygen limitation hypothesis remains unsupported by experimental evidence. Response to ‘Testing mechanistic theories must be based on correct interpretations’
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  • Water Temperature Prey Concentration and Salmonid Density Influence Daily Growth of Wild Juvenile Salmonids in Tributaries of the Upper Salmon River Idaho USA
    Water Temperature, Prey Concentration and Salmonid Density Influence Daily Growth of Wild Juvenile Salmonids in Tributaries of the Upper Salmon River, Idaho (USA)
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  • Empirical Assessments of the Type and Strength of Stream Fish Habitat Associations Can Advance Understanding of Functional Diversity and Promote Effective Conservation
    Empirical Assessments of the Type and Strength of Stream Fish Habitat Associations Can Advance Understanding of Functional Diversity and Promote Effective Conservation
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  • Perturbations in a pelagic food web during the NE pacific large marine heatwave and persistent harmful diatom blooms
    Perturbations in a pelagic food web during the NE pacific large marine heatwave and persistent harmful diatom blooms
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  • Optimized stratified random surveys best estimate multispecies abundance in a rapidly changing ecosystem
    Optimized stratified random surveys best estimate multispecies abundance in a rapidly changing ecosystem
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