Geryonid Crabs And Associated Continental Slope Fauna: A Research Workshop Report
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NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:Considerable research in recent years has been invested in the basic biology, ecology, and fisheries of deep-water crabs, family Geryonidae. These efforts have been concentrated off the southeastern U.S. and southwest Africa, following earlier work from the mid-Atlantic states to the Canadian Maritimes. Species of primary interest have been the golden crab, "Chaceon fenneri", and the red crabs "C. maritae" and "C. quinquedens". Only a fraction of recent data has been published. With this workshop, the many investigators and sponsoring agencies sought to foster regional comparisons, to inform the commercial fishing industry and resource agencies, and to provide guidance for future research investments. This report, as a summary of workshop presentations and discussions, is simply a vehicle by which that expertise can be delivered to a broader audience.
Sea Grant Document Number:FLSGP-W-89-001
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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