National Weather Service (NWS)
This collection contains reports and materials published by the National Weather Service and NWS researchers. Included are technical reports and memorandums, as well as special publications and some video covering a variety of topics such as climate science, space weather, the atmosphere and meteorology.
Select all docs (Max 200)
Narrow Results:
Year Published
- 2024 66
- 2023 242
- 2022 242
- 2021 217
- 2020 232
- 2019 248
- 2018 249
- 2017 241
- 2016 218
- 2015 83
- 2014 17
- 2013 19
- 2012 17
- 2011 28
- 2010 17
- 2009 23
- 2008 19
- 2007 12
- 2006 26
- 2005 23
- 2004 28
- 2003 17
- 2002 25
- 2001 29
- 2000 29
- 1999 28
- 1998 49
- 1997 53
- 1996 60
- 1995 88
- 1994 93
- 1993 102
- 1992 85
- 1991 86
- 1990 90
- 1989 106
- 1988 104
- 1987 87
- 1986 98
- 1985 80
- 1984 89
- 1983 88
- 1982 74
- 1981 98
- 1980 77
- 1979 86
- 1978 84
- 1977 107
- 1976 74
- 1975 60
- 1974 57
- 1973 72
- 1972 67
- 1971 85
- 1970 26
- 1969 5
- 1968 5
- 1967 2
- 1966 2
- 1965 1
- 1953 1
- 1943 1
NOAA Program & Office
- AFS (Analyze, Forecast, and Support Office) 7
- AFSC (Alaska Fisheries Science Center) 5
- AKR (Alaska Region) 3
- AOML (Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory) 94
- AR (Alaska Region) 35
- ARL (Air Resources Laboratory) 39
- AWC (Aviation Weather Center) 6
- CESSRST (Cooperative Science Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies) 10
- CICAR (Cooperative Institute for Climate Applications and Research) 1
- CICOES (Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies) 17
- CICS (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites) 21
- CICS (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites)-M 1
- CICSM (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites Maryland) 5
- CICSP (Cooperative Institute for Climate Science) 11
- CIFAR (Cooperative Institute for Alaska Research) 1
- CIGLR (Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research) 10
- CIMAR (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) 6
- CIMAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies) 63
- CIMEAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Systems) 1
- CIMEC (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystems and Climate) 1
- CIMES (Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System) 9
- CIMMS (Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies) 70
- CIMSS (Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies) 35
- CINAR (Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region) 1
- CIRA (Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere) 55
- CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) 230
- CISESS (Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies) 32
- CIWRO (Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations) 44
- CO-OPS (Center for Operational Oceanographic Products & Services) 10
- CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System) 9
- CPC (Climate Prediction Center) 221
- CPO (Climate Program Office) 106
- CR (Central Region) 381
- CREST (Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies and Tech Center at City College of CUNY) 2
- CSL (Chemical Sciences Laboratory) 26
- DWH (Deepwater Horizon) 2
- Education and outreach 4
- EMC (Environmental Modelling Center) 275
- ER (Eastern Region) 238
- ESRL (Earth System Research Laboratory) 105
- GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) 65
- GLERL (Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory) 10
- GML (Global Monitoring Laboratory) 14
- GOES-R (Geostationary Operation Environmental Satellite-R Series) 3
- GOMO (Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing) 9
- GSL (Global Systems Laboratory) 62
- HPC (Weather Prediction Center) 14
- IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System) 8
- JIMAR (Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) 3
- JISAO (Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean) 12
- JPSS (Joint Polar Satellite System Program Office) 8
- NCCOS (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science) 14
- NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) 63
- NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) 838
- NCEP National Ice Center 6
- NCICS (North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies) 4
- NDBC (National Data Buoy Center) 6
- NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center) 5
- NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) 183
- NGI (Northern Gulf Institute) 10
- NHC (National Hurricane Center) 108
- NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) 20
- NOAA Cooperative Institutes 10
- NOS (National Ocean Service) 71
- NSSL (National Severe Storms Laboratory) 116
- NWC (National Water Center) 68
- NWFSC (Northwest Fisheries Science Center) 3
- NWS (National Weather Service 3
- NWS (National Weather Service) 4706
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) 661
- OAR (Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) 3
- OBS (Office of Observations) 12
- OCM (Office for Coastal Management) 13
- OCS (Office of Coast Survey) 10
- OCWWS (Office of Climate Water and Weather Services) 2
- OMAO (Office of Marine and Aviation Operations) 4
- OMB (Office of Management and Budget) 2
- OPC (Ocean Prediction Center) 5
- OST (Office of Science and Technology) 14
- OST( Office of Science and Technology) 12
- OSTI (Office of Science and Technology Integration) 51
- OWAQ (Office of Weather and Air Quality) 3
- OWP (Office of Water Prediction) 37
- PIFSC (Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center) 4
- PMEL (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) 48
- PR (Pacific Region) 32
- PSL (Physical Sciences Laboratory) 81
- Sea Grant 7
- SEFSC (Southeast Fisheries Science Center) 4
- SPC (Storm Prediction Center) 100
- SR (Southern Region) 198
- STAR (Center for Satellite Applications and Research) 82
- STI (Office of Science and Technology Integration) 29
- SWFSC (Southwest Fisheries Science Center) 4
- SWPC (Space Weather Prediction Center) 137
- TPC (Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch) 9
- Weather Act (Weather Research & Forecasting Innovation Act) 12
- WPC (Weather Prediction Center) 6
- WPO (Weather Program Office) 38
- WR (Western Region) 303
Document Type
- Agreement 4
- Atlas 27
- Conference Proceeding 39
- Contract Report 1
- Cruise Report 1
- Dataset 2
- Instructional Material 1
- Journal Article 1873
- Manuals & Handbooks 34
- Miscellaneous 684
- Newsletter 4
- Non-series Report 88
- Office Note 270
- Planning Document 56
- Planning document 1
- Program & Policy Document 107
- Reference Document 1
- Report to Congress 13
- Service Assessment 48
- Technical Attachment 433
- Technical Memorandum 934
- Technical Note 11
- Technical Report 105
- Analysis 87
- Aquatic Science 23
- Atmospheric circulation 44
- Atmospheric pressure 24
- Atmospheric Science 594
- Atmospheric temperature 77
- Boundary layer (Meteorology) 24
- Climate 125
- Climatic changes 31
- Climatology 65
- Clouds 33
- Computer programs 269
- Computers in Earth Sciences 35
- Congresses 36
- Convection (Meteorology) 38
- Cyclone forecasting 50
- Cyclones 151
- Data processing 141
- Doppler radar 43
- Earth-Surface Processes 26
- Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) 65
- Ecology 23
- Emergency management 43
- Environmental Science (miscellaneous) 27
- Evaluation 136
- Flood damage 24
- Flood forecasting 120
- Floods 101
- Flood warning systems 29
- Forecasting 545
- General Earth and Planetary Sciences 96
- General Environmental Science 22
- Geophysics 135
- Global and Planetary Change 49
- Government policy 77
- History 49
- Hurricanes 173
- Hydrological forecasting 33
- Hydrologic models 22
- Hydrology 29
- Hydrometeorology 29
- Long-range weather forecasting 37
- Management Science and Operations Research 23
- Marine meteorology 35
- Mathematical models 627
- Measurement 104
- Meteorological instruments 24
- Meteorological services 335
- Meteorology 366
- Meteorology in aeronautics 38
- Methodology 30
- Natural disaster warning systems 40
- Numerical analysis 261
- Numerical weather forecasting 675
- Observations 153
- Ocean-atmosphere interaction 52
- Oceanography 60
- Ocean waves 23
- Periodicals 68
- Planning 34
- Precipitation 51
- Precipitation (Meteorology) 97
- Precipitation forecasting 146
- Precipitation probabilities 37
- Probability forecasts (Meteorology) 118
- Quality control 33
- Radar 22
- Radar meteorology 82
- Rain and rainfall 91
- Remote sensing 89
- Research 179
- Satellite meteorology 34
- Seasonal variations 27
- Severe storms 257
- Simulation methods 29
- Snow 97
- Space and Planetary Science 88
- Speed 25
- Statistical methods 38
- Statistical weather forecasting 152
- Statistics 35
- Storms 53
- Storm surges 47
- Strategic planning 100
- Synoptic meteorology 37
- Technique 29
- Temperature 34
- Thunderstorm forecasting 67
- Thunderstorms 82
- Tornadoes 129
- Tornado warning systems 38
- Tracks 32
- Tropics 27
- United States Office of Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research 69
- Water Science and Technology 75
- Weather 30
- Weather forecasting 743
- Wind forecasting 70
- Winds 109
- Winter storms 57
Name as Subject
- Clark, William 1770-1838 1
- Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop (35th : 2010 : Religh, N.C.) 1
- Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop (36th : 2011 : Fort Worth, Tex.) 1
- Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop (38th : 2013 : College Park, Md.) 1
- Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop (39th : 2015 : St. Louis, Mo.) 1
- Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop (40th : 2015 : Denver, Colo.) 1
- Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop (41st : 2016 : Orono, Me.) 1
- Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop (42nd : 2017 : Norman, Okla.) 1
- Cyril E. King Airport (Saint Thomas, United States Virgin Islands) 1
- Emergency Broadcast System (Firm) 1
- GOES (Meteorological satellite) 1
- Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission. 1
- Integrated Ocean Observing System (U.S.) 1
- In this paper machine learning (ML) applications developed at EMC and at other leading weather centers for numerical weather and climate modeling systems (NWCMS) are briefly introduced. The most important papers published in this field during recent years are reviewed. Advantages and limitations of the ML approach in applications to NWCMS are briefly discussed. 1
- Lewis, Meriwether 1774-1809 1
- Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806) 1
- Los Angeles International Airport 1
- Luis Muñoz Marin International Airport (San Juan, P.R.) 1
- McCarran International Airport (Nev.) 1
- Missouri Basin River Forecast Center. 1
- National Centers for Environmental Prediction (U.S.) 4
- National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (U.S.) 2
- National Integrated Drought Information System (U.S.) 1
- National Meteorological Center (U.S.) 2
- National Meteorological Center (U.S.). Medium-Range Forecast Group. 2
- NOAA 2
- North Central River Forecast Center. 1
- NWS 1
- Olympic Games (26th : 1996 : Atlanta, Ga.) 2
- Olympic Winter Games (13th : 1980 : Lake Placid, N.Y.) 1
- River Forecast Center (U.S.) 1
- Space Environment Center (U.S.) 1
- Storm Prediction Center (U.S.) 3
- This technical memorandum lists the deadliest tropical cyclones in the United States during 1851-2006 and the costliest tropical cyclones in the United States during 1900-2006. The compilation ranks damage, as expressed by monetary losses, in three ways: 1) contemporary estimates; 2) contemporary estimates adjusted by inflation to 2006 dollars; and 3) contemporary estimates adjusted for inflation and the growth of population and personal wealth (Pielke et al. 2007) to 2006 dollars. In addition, the most intense (i.e., major1) hurricanes to make landfall in the United States during the 156-year period are listed. Some additional statistics on United States hurricanes of this and previous centuries, and tropical cyclones in general, are also presented. 1
- Tsunami Program (U.S.) 1
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 3
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 1
- United States. National Weather Service 38
- United States. National Weather Service. 48
- United States. National Weather Service. Central Region 1
- United States. National Weather Service. Central Region. 1
- United States. National Weather Service. Eastern Region 1
- United States. National Weather Service. Forecast Office (Norman, Okla.) 1
- United States. National Weather Service. Forecast Office (Slidell, La.) 1
- United States. National Weather Service. Forecast Office Baltimore/Washington 1
- United States. National Weather Service. Forecast Office Twin Cities, MN 1
- United States. National Weather Service. Southern Region 1
- United States. National Weather Service. Southern Region. 1
- United States. National Weather Service. Weather Forecast Office (Corpus Christi, TX) 1
- United States. National Weather Service. Western Region 1
- United States. Office of Hydrology 1
- USG 1
- Voluntary Observing Ship Program (U.S.) 1
Place as Subject
- Alabama 14
- Alaska 41
- Arctic regions 13
- Arizona 28
- Arkansas 10
- Atlantic Coast 7
- Atlantic Coast (U.S.) 49
- Atlantic Ocean 24
- Atlantic States 11
- Bering Sea 4
- Bismarck (N.D.) 4
- California 52
- California, Southern 7
- Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.) 5
- Cheyenne (Wyo.) 5
- China 7
- Colorado 17
- Columbia 4
- Columbia River Watershed 4
- Cook Inlet 8
- Delaware 4
- East (U.S.) 8
- El Niño Current 5
- Erie, Lake 9
- Flagstaff (Ariz.) 4
- Florida 40
- Front Range (Colo. and Wyo.) 4
- Georgia 16
- Great Lakes (North America) 14
- Great Plains 5
- Greenland 4
- Gulf Coast 5
- Gulf Coast (U.S.) 35
- Hawaii 18
- Idaho 13
- Illinois 6
- Indiana 10
- Indianapolis (Ind.) 4
- Iowa 5
- Kansas 16
- Kentucky 10
- Louisiana 12
- Maine 11
- Maryland 8
- Mexico, Gulf of 8
- Michigan 7
- Michigan, Lake 5
- Middle West 18
- Milwaukee (Wis.) 5
- Minnesota 9
- Mississippi 9
- Mississippi River 6
- Missouri 9
- Montana 21
- Nebraska 16
- Nevada 20
- New England 13
- New Hampshire 4
- New Jersey 8
- New Mexico 5
- New York 5
- New York (N.Y.) 7
- New York (State) 23
- North America 11
- North Atlantic Ocean 37
- North Carolina 26
- North Dakota 14
- Northeastern States 11
- Northern Hemisphere 10
- North Pacific Ocean 54
- Ohio 15
- Ohio River Valley 7
- Oklahoma 8
- Oregon 16
- Pacific Coast (U.S.) 18
- Pacific Ocean 12
- Pennsylvania 13
- Puerto Rico 10
- Reno 4
- Sacramento (Calif.) 7
- Saint Louis (Mo.) 4
- San Diego (Calif.) 4
- South Carolina 31
- South Dakota 7
- Southern States 17
- Southwestern States 6
- Tennessee 11
- Texas 49
- Topeka (Kan.) 5
- Tropics 25
- United States 885
- Utah 12
- Vermont 9
- Virginia 11
- Washington (D.C.) 5
- Washington (State) 17
- West (U.S.) 19
- West Virginia 10
- Wisconsin 6
- Wyoming 17
Select all docs (Max 200)
1 -
20 of 4737 Results
Refine Results:
- 2024 (66)
- 2023 (242)
- 2022 (242)
- 2021 (217)
- 2020 (232)
- 2019 (248)
- 2018 (249)
- 2017 (241)
- 2016 (218)
- 2015 (83)
- 2014 (17)
- 2013 (19)
- 2012 (17)
- 2011 (28)
- 2010 (17)
- 2009 (23)
- 2008 (19)
- 2007 (12)
- 2006 (26)
- 2005 (23)
- 2004 (28)
- 2003 (17)
- 2002 (25)
- 2001 (29)
- 2000 (29)
- 1999 (28)
- 1998 (49)
- 1997 (53)
- 1996 (60)
- 1995 (88)
- 1994 (93)
- 1993 (102)
- 1992 (85)
- 1991 (86)
- 1990 (90)
- 1989 (106)
- 1988 (104)
- 1987 (87)
- 1986 (98)
- 1985 (80)
- 1984 (89)
- 1983 (88)
- 1982 (74)
- 1981 (98)
- 1980 (77)
- 1979 (86)
- 1978 (84)
- 1977 (107)
- 1976 (74)
- 1975 (60)
- 1974 (57)
- 1973 (72)
- 1972 (67)
- 1971 (85)
- 1970 (26)
- 1969 (5)
- 1968 (5)
- 1967 (2)
- 1966 (2)
- 1965 (1)
- 1953 (1)
- 1943 (1)
- AFS (Analyze, Forecast, and Support Office) (7)
- AFSC (Alaska Fisheries Science Center) (5)
- AKR (Alaska Region) (3)
- AOML (Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory) (94)
- AR (Alaska Region) (35)
- ARL (Air Resources Laboratory) (39)
- AWC (Aviation Weather Center) (6)
- CESSRST (Cooperative Science Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies) (10)
- CICAR (Cooperative Institute for Climate Applications and Research) (1)
- CICOES (Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies) (17)
- CICS (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites) (21)
- CICS (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites)-M (1)
- CICSM (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites Maryland) (5)
- CICSP (Cooperative Institute for Climate Science) (11)
- CIFAR (Cooperative Institute for Alaska Research) (1)
- CIGLR (Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research) (10)
- CIMAR (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) (6)
- CIMAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies) (63)
- CIMEAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Systems) (1)
- CIMEC (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystems and Climate) (1)
- CIMES (Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System) (9)
- CIMMS (Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies) (70)
- CIMSS (Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies) (35)
- CINAR (Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region) (1)
- CIRA (Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere) (55)
- CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) (230)
- CISESS (Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies) (32)
- CIWRO (Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations) (44)
- CO-OPS (Center for Operational Oceanographic Products & Services) (10)
- CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System) (9)
- CPC (Climate Prediction Center) (221)
- CPO (Climate Program Office) (106)
- CR (Central Region) (381)
- CREST (Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies and Tech Center at City College of CUNY) (2)
- CSL (Chemical Sciences Laboratory) (26)
- DWH (Deepwater Horizon) (2)
- Education and outreach (4)
- EMC (Environmental Modelling Center) (275)
- ER (Eastern Region) (238)
- ESRL (Earth System Research Laboratory) (105)
- GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) (65)
- GLERL (Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory) (10)
- GML (Global Monitoring Laboratory) (14)
- GOES-R (Geostationary Operation Environmental Satellite-R Series) (3)
- GOMO (Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing) (9)
- GSL (Global Systems Laboratory) (62)
- HPC (Weather Prediction Center) (14)
- IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System) (8)
- JIMAR (Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) (3)
- JISAO (Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean) (12)
- JPSS (Joint Polar Satellite System Program Office) (8)
- NCCOS (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science) (14)
- NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) (63)
- NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) (838)
- NCEP National Ice Center (6)
- NCICS (North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies) (4)
- NDBC (National Data Buoy Center) (6)
- NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center) (5)
- NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) (183)
- NGI (Northern Gulf Institute) (10)
- NHC (National Hurricane Center) (108)
- NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) (20)
- NOAA Cooperative Institutes (10)
- NOS (National Ocean Service) (71)
- NSSL (National Severe Storms Laboratory) (116)
- NWC (National Water Center) (68)
- NWFSC (Northwest Fisheries Science Center) (3)
- NWS (National Weather Service (3)
- NWS (National Weather Service) (4706)
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) (661)
- OAR (Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) (3)
- OBS (Office of Observations) (12)
- OCM (Office for Coastal Management) (13)
- OCS (Office of Coast Survey) (10)
- OCWWS (Office of Climate Water and Weather Services) (2)
- OMAO (Office of Marine and Aviation Operations) (4)
- OMB (Office of Management and Budget) (2)
- OPC (Ocean Prediction Center) (5)
- OST (Office of Science and Technology) (14)
- OST( Office of Science and Technology) (12)
- OSTI (Office of Science and Technology Integration) (51)
- OWAQ (Office of Weather and Air Quality) (3)
- OWP (Office of Water Prediction) (37)
- PIFSC (Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center) (4)
- PMEL (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) (48)
- PR (Pacific Region) (32)
- PSL (Physical Sciences Laboratory) (81)
- Sea Grant (7)
- SEFSC (Southeast Fisheries Science Center) (4)
- SPC (Storm Prediction Center) (100)
- SR (Southern Region) (198)
- STAR (Center for Satellite Applications and Research) (82)
- STI (Office of Science and Technology Integration) (29)
- SWFSC (Southwest Fisheries Science Center) (4)
- SWPC (Space Weather Prediction Center) (137)
- TPC (Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch) (9)
- Weather Act (Weather Research & Forecasting Innovation Act) (12)
- WPC (Weather Prediction Center) (6)
- WPO (Weather Program Office) (38)
- WR (Western Region) (303)
- Agreement (4)
- Atlas (27)
- Conference Proceeding (39)
- Contract Report (1)
- Cruise Report (1)
- Dataset (2)
- Instructional Material (1)
- Journal Article (1873)
- Manuals & Handbooks (34)
- Miscellaneous (684)
- Newsletter (4)
- Non-series Report (88)
- Office Note (270)
- Planning Document (56)
- Planning document (1)
- Program & Policy Document (107)
- Reference Document (1)
- Report to Congress (13)
- Service Assessment (48)
- Technical Attachment (433)
- Technical Memorandum (934)
- Technical Note (11)
- Technical Report (105)
- Analysis (87)
- Aquatic Science (23)
- Atmospheric circulation (44)
- Atmospheric pressure (24)
- Atmospheric Science (594)
- Atmospheric temperature (77)
- Boundary layer (Meteorology) (24)
- Climate (125)
- Climatic changes (31)
- Climatology (65)
- Clouds (33)
- Computer programs (269)
- Computers in Earth Sciences (35)
- Congresses (36)
- Convection (Meteorology) (38)
- Cyclone forecasting (50)
- Cyclones (151)
- Data processing (141)
- Doppler radar (43)
- Earth-Surface Processes (26)
- Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (65)
- Ecology (23)
- Emergency management (43)
- Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (27)
- Evaluation (136)
- Flood damage (24)
- Flood forecasting (120)
- Floods (101)
- Flood warning systems (29)
- Forecasting (545)
- General Earth and Planetary Sciences (96)
- General Environmental Science (22)
- Geophysics (135)
- Global and Planetary Change (49)
- Government policy (77)
- History (49)
- Hurricanes (173)
- Hydrological forecasting (33)
- Hydrologic models (22)
- Hydrology (29)
- Hydrometeorology (29)
- Long-range weather forecasting (37)
- Management Science and Operations Research (23)
- Marine meteorology (35)
- Mathematical models (627)
- Measurement (104)
- Meteorological instruments (24)
- Meteorological services (335)
- Meteorology (366)
- Meteorology in aeronautics (38)
- Methodology (30)
- Natural disaster warning systems (40)
- Numerical analysis (261)
- Numerical weather forecasting (675)
- Observations (153)
- Ocean-atmosphere interaction (52)
- Oceanography (60)
- Ocean waves (23)
- Periodicals (68)
- Planning (34)
- Precipitation (51)
- Precipitation (Meteorology) (97)
- Precipitation forecasting (146)
- Precipitation probabilities (37)
- Probability forecasts (Meteorology) (118)
- Quality control (33)
- Radar (22)
- Radar meteorology (82)
- Rain and rainfall (91)
- Remote sensing (89)
- Research (179)
- Satellite meteorology (34)
- Seasonal variations (27)
- Severe storms (257)
- Simulation methods (29)
- Snow (97)
- Space and Planetary Science (88)
- Speed (25)
- Statistical methods (38)
- Statistical weather forecasting (152)
- Statistics (35)
- Storms (53)
- Storm surges (47)
- Strategic planning (100)
- Synoptic meteorology (37)
- Technique (29)
- Temperature (34)
- Thunderstorm forecasting (67)
- Thunderstorms (82)
- Tornadoes (129)
- Tornado warning systems (38)
- Tracks (32)
- Tropics (27)
- United States Office of Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (69)
- Water Science and Technology (75)
- Weather (30)
- Weather forecasting (743)
- Wind forecasting (70)
- Winds (109)
- Winter storms (57)
- Clark, William 1770-1838 (1)
- Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop (35th : 2010 : Religh, N.C.) (1)
- Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop (36th : 2011 : Fort Worth, Tex.) (1)
- Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop (38th : 2013 : College Park, Md.) (1)
- Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop (39th : 2015 : St. Louis, Mo.) (1)
- Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop (40th : 2015 : Denver, Colo.) (1)
- Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop (41st : 2016 : Orono, Me.) (1)
- Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop (42nd : 2017 : Norman, Okla.) (1)
- Cyril E. King Airport (Saint Thomas, United States Virgin Islands) (1)
- Emergency Broadcast System (Firm) (1)
- GOES (Meteorological satellite) (1)
- Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission. (1)
- Integrated Ocean Observing System (U.S.) (1)
- In this paper machine learning (ML) applications developed at EMC and at other leading weather centers for numerical weather and climate modeling systems (NWCMS) are briefly introduced. The most important papers published in this field during recent years are reviewed. Advantages and limitations of the ML approach in applications to NWCMS are briefly discussed. (1)
- Lewis, Meriwether 1774-1809 (1)
- Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806) (1)
- Los Angeles International Airport (1)
- Luis Muñoz Marin International Airport (San Juan, P.R.) (1)
- McCarran International Airport (Nev.) (1)
- Missouri Basin River Forecast Center. (1)
- National Centers for Environmental Prediction (U.S.) (4)
- National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (U.S.) (2)
- National Integrated Drought Information System (U.S.) (1)
- National Meteorological Center (U.S.) (2)
- National Meteorological Center (U.S.). Medium-Range Forecast Group. (2)
- NOAA (2)
- North Central River Forecast Center. (1)
- NWS (1)
- Olympic Games (26th : 1996 : Atlanta, Ga.) (2)
- Olympic Winter Games (13th : 1980 : Lake Placid, N.Y.) (1)
- River Forecast Center (U.S.) (1)
- Space Environment Center (U.S.) (1)
- Storm Prediction Center (U.S.) (3)
- This technical memorandum lists the deadliest tropical cyclones in the United States during 1851-2006 and the costliest tropical cyclones in the United States during 1900-2006. The compilation ranks damage, as expressed by monetary losses, in three ways: 1) contemporary estimates; 2) contemporary estimates adjusted by inflation to 2006 dollars; and 3) contemporary estimates adjusted for inflation and the growth of population and personal wealth (Pielke et al. 2007) to 2006 dollars. In addition, the most intense (i.e., major1) hurricanes to make landfall in the United States during the 156-year period are listed. Some additional statistics on United States hurricanes of this and previous centuries, and tropical cyclones in general, are also presented. (1)
- Tsunami Program (U.S.) (1)
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (3)
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (1)
- United States. National Weather Service (38)
- United States. National Weather Service. (48)
- United States. National Weather Service. Central Region (1)
- United States. National Weather Service. Central Region. (1)
- United States. National Weather Service. Eastern Region (1)
- United States. National Weather Service. Forecast Office (Norman, Okla.) (1)
- United States. National Weather Service. Forecast Office (Slidell, La.) (1)
- United States. National Weather Service. Forecast Office Baltimore/Washington (1)
- United States. National Weather Service. Forecast Office Twin Cities, MN (1)
- United States. National Weather Service. Southern Region (1)
- United States. National Weather Service. Southern Region. (1)
- United States. National Weather Service. Weather Forecast Office (Corpus Christi, TX) (1)
- United States. National Weather Service. Western Region (1)
- United States. Office of Hydrology (1)
- USG (1)
- Voluntary Observing Ship Program (U.S.) (1)
- Alabama (14)
- Alaska (41)
- Arctic regions (13)
- Arizona (28)
- Arkansas (10)
- Atlantic Coast (7)
- Atlantic Coast (U.S.) (49)
- Atlantic Ocean (24)
- Atlantic States (11)
- Bering Sea (4)
- Bismarck (N.D.) (4)
- California (52)
- California, Southern (7)
- Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.) (5)
- Cheyenne (Wyo.) (5)
- China (7)
- Colorado (17)
- Columbia (4)
- Columbia River Watershed (4)
- Cook Inlet (8)
- Delaware (4)
- East (U.S.) (8)
- El Niño Current (5)
- Erie, Lake (9)
- Flagstaff (Ariz.) (4)
- Florida (40)
- Front Range (Colo. and Wyo.) (4)
- Georgia (16)
- Great Lakes (North America) (14)
- Great Plains (5)
- Greenland (4)
- Gulf Coast (5)
- Gulf Coast (U.S.) (35)
- Hawaii (18)
- Idaho (13)
- Illinois (6)
- Indiana (10)
- Indianapolis (Ind.) (4)
- Iowa (5)
- Kansas (16)
- Kentucky (10)
- Louisiana (12)
- Maine (11)
- Maryland (8)
- Mexico, Gulf of (8)
- Michigan (7)
- Michigan, Lake (5)
- Middle West (18)
- Milwaukee (Wis.) (5)
- Minnesota (9)
- Mississippi (9)
- Mississippi River (6)
- Missouri (9)
- Montana (21)
- Nebraska (16)
- Nevada (20)
- New England (13)
- New Hampshire (4)
- New Jersey (8)
- New Mexico (5)
- New York (5)
- New York (N.Y.) (7)
- New York (State) (23)
- North America (11)
- North Atlantic Ocean (37)
- North Carolina (26)
- North Dakota (14)
- Northeastern States (11)
- Northern Hemisphere (10)
- North Pacific Ocean (54)
- Ohio (15)
- Ohio River Valley (7)
- Oklahoma (8)
- Oregon (16)
- Pacific Coast (U.S.) (18)
- Pacific Ocean (12)
- Pennsylvania (13)
- Puerto Rico (10)
- Reno (4)
- Sacramento (Calif.) (7)
- Saint Louis (Mo.) (4)
- San Diego (Calif.) (4)
- South Carolina (31)
- South Dakota (7)
- Southern States (17)
- Southwestern States (6)
- Tennessee (11)
- Texas (49)
- Topeka (Kan.) (5)
- Tropics (25)
- United States (885)
- Utah (12)
- Vermont (9)
- Virginia (11)
- Washington (D.C.) (5)
- Washington (State) (17)
- West (U.S.) (19)
- West Virginia (10)
- Wisconsin (6)
- Wyoming (17)
- Personal Author:Fredricksen, Ellin J. ;Wagner, Norman K.1979 | Report (University of Texas at Austin. Atmospheric Science Group) ; 51Description:Rossby number similarity theory has been used to calculate surface winds and transport of an oil slick over the ocean. Calculations were compared with...
- Personal Author:Orville, H. D. (Harold D.) ;Chang, Wei-Jean...1972 | Report (South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Institute of Atmospheric Sciences) ; 72-12Description:A numerical model of cloud growth over a mountain has been modified to simulate the formation and development of hurricane rainband clouds. The first ...
- Personal Author:Halpert, Michael S. ;Ropelewski, C. F....1991 | State of the ClimateDescription:The publication of this annual Climate Assessment is the second time we have attempted to summarize contemporary climate data and statistics on the st...
- Corporate Authors:United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. ...1995 | FCM (Series) ; P12-1995Description:This publication is the 33rd edition of the National Hurricane Operations Plan (NHOP). It is a compilation of the procedures and agreements reached at...
- Corporate Authors:United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. ...1994 | FCM (Series) ; P12-1994Description:This publication is the 32nd edition of the National Hurricane Operations Plan (NHOP). It is a compilation of the procedures and agreements reached at...