Fish Food Habits Studies: Proceedings Of The Third Pacific Workshop, December 6-9, 1981, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California
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Fish Food Habits Studies: Proceedings Of The Third Pacific Workshop, December 6-9, 1981, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California

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  • Personal Author:
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  • NOAA Program & Office:
  • Sea Grant Program:
  • Description:
    These proceedings document the presentations and discussions which occurred during GUTSHOP '81, the third Fish Food Habits Studies Workshop, held 6-9 December 1981 at the Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California. The first GUTSHOP in 1976 and the second GUTSHOP in 1978 were initiated to bring together a diverse group of scientists actively involved in studies of food habits, predation, feeding behavior, competition, and food web structure in fishes, The general purpose of these workshops was to achieve some consensus on sampling design and techniques, analysis and statistical procedures, and interpretive tools available for fish food habits studi es. The proceedings of GUTSHOP ' 76 and GUTSHOP '78 were published in Simenstad and Lipavsky 977! and Lipovsky and Simenstad 978!, respectively. While the accomplishments of the fi rst twa workshops obviously resolved many of the questions plaguing our studies, the general opinion of the GUTSHOP '78 participants was that a third workshop would be beneficial and should consider both continued discussion of never-​ending problems, such as statistical analyses, as well as topics that we had not yet covered, such as the bioenergetics of feeding. Although it took three years for us to assemble again, the wait was rewarded by a highly evolved meeting in which all had something new to discuss and the infusion of new scientists broadened our perspectives. The decision to hold GUTSHOP '81 in California resulted from a survey of the participants at the end of GUTSHOP '78, which suggested that many California scientists who were involved in fish food habits studies were not able ta contribute ta the workshops held in the Pacific Northwest. Greg Cailliet was asked to act as to accomplish efficient workshop arrangements and to ensure contact with California scientists who were not yet familiar with the workshop,. The Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove was chosen because it was close to the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Greg's institution, and because of its superb location, accommodations,​and facilities. The only disadvantage was that we all spent too much time sequestered in darkened rooms attending to the science of fish guts and did not have enough opportunities to spend some time outside enjoying the balmy weather by the beautiful seashore. We arranged GUTSHOP '81 around five topics: I. Methodology and Statistical Analysis II, Bioenergetics af Fish Feeding III. Competition and Resource Partitioning IV. Feeding Behavior of Fishes and Prey Y. Fish Feeding as Structuring Force on Prey Communities. Th​e Summary and Reconmendations provides our synopsis of GUTSHOP 81's accomplishments​, the riddles we left unaddressed, and when, where, and in what form the benevolent GUTSHOP sphinx may rise again.
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