National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
This collection contains Environmental Assessments, Environmental Impact Statements, and related documents that pertain to NOAA’s implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NOAA’s NEPA compliance is overseen by the designated NOAA NEPA Coordinator and the Environmental Review and Coordination Section in the Office of the General Counsel. For more information on NEPA at NOAA, please visit, or contact the NOAA NEPA Coordinator at
Select all docs (Max 200)
Narrow Results:
Year Published
- 2024 17
- 2023 18
- 2022 19
- 2021 25
- 2020 37
- 2019 14
- 2018 13
- 2017 19
- 2016 38
- 2015 90
- 2014 111
- 2013 111
- 2012 133
- 2011 142
- 2010 131
- 2009 35
- 2008 7
- 2007 2
- 2006 9
- 2005 11
- 2004 3
- 2003 7
- 2002 3
- 2001 4
- 2000 4
- 1999 9
- 1998 7
- 1997 7
- 1996 2
- 1995 3
- 1993 1
- 1992 1
- 1991 1
- 1990 3
- 1989 2
- 1988 1
- 1987 1
- 1981 2
- 1980 1
- 1979 6
- 1978 1
- 1977 1
NOAA Program & Office
- AFSC (Alaska Fisheries Science Center) 23
- AKR (Alaska Region) 94
- CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System) 35
- DWH (Deepwater Horizon) 24
- GAR (Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries) 1
- GARF (Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries) 20
- MPA (Marine Protected Areas) 9
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 2
- NCCOS (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science) 2
- NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center) 2
- NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act 2
- NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) 1035
- NER (Northeast Region) 13
- NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) 2
- NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) 906
- NOAA General Documents 1
- NOS (National Ocean Service) 72
- NWFSC (Northwest Fisheries Science Center) 3
- NWS (National Weather Service) 4
- OA (Office of Aquaculture) 1
- OAA (Office of Assistant Administrator) 3
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) 3
- OCM (Office for Coastal Management) 10
- OHC (Office of Habitat Conservation) 44
- OLE (Office of Law Enforcement) 6
- OMAO (Office of Marine and Aviation Operations) 4
- OMB (Office of Management and Budget) 1
- ONMS (Office of National Marine Sanctuaries) 9
- OPR (Office of Protected Resources) 156
- ORR (Office of Response and Restoration) 12
- OSF (Office of Sustainable Fisheries) 22
- PIFSC (Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center) 11
- PIR (Pacific Island Region) 28
- PIR (Pacific Islands Region) 1
- Restoration 2
- Sea Grant 4
- SEFSC (Southeast Fisheries Science Center) 3
- SER (Southeast Region) 68
- SWFSC (Southwest Fisheries Science Center) 2
- SWR (Southwest Region) 3
- UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) 1
- WCR (West Coast Region) 39
Document Type
- Atlantic sturgeon 15
- Bigeye tuna 14
- Black sea bass 11
- BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill, 2010 24
- Bycatches 14
- Bycatches (Fisheries) 32
- California sea lion 22
- Catch effort 205
- Cetacea 14
- Chinook salmon 22
- Cleanup 18
- Coastal zone management 35
- Coho salmon 12
- Conservation 355
- Construction 17
- Control 11
- Coral reef restoration 11
- Design and construction 44
- Ecology 22
- Economic zones (Law of the sea) 24
- Effect of environment on 22
- Effect of fishing on 20
- Effect of human beings on 148
- Effect of noise on 76
- Effect of oil spills on 14
- Endangered species 175
- Environmental aspects 221
- Environmental conditions 27
- Environmental impact analysis 965
- Environmental impact statements 672
- Environmental policy 628
- Equipment and supplies 27
- Estuarine restoration 11
- Fisheries 208
- Fishery closures 28
- Fishery law and legislation 23
- Fishery management 447
- Fishery policy 215
- Fishes 14
- Fish hatcheries 20
- Fishing 61
- Fish populations 16
- Fish stock assessment 14
- Fish tagging 12
- Flatfish fisheries 13
- Geographical distribution 23
- Geophysical surveys 33
- Government policy 776
- Gray whale 11
- Green turtle 18
- Groundfishes 51
- Groundfish fisheries 75
- Grouper fisheries 19
- Habitat 53
- Habitat conservation 17
- Halibut fisheries 14
- Harbor porpoise 17
- Harbor seal 26
- Harvesting 17
- Hawksbill turtle 13
- Humpback whale 22
- Individual fishing quotas 73
- Law and legislation 26
- Licenses 12
- Loggerhead turtle 15
- Longlining (Fisheries) 25
- Lutjanus campechanus 22
- Maintenance and repair 12
- Management 128
- Marine engineering 13
- Marine geophysics 30
- Marine mammals 155
- Marine parks and reserves 14
- Marine resources conservation 80
- Migration 29
- Military research 14
- Monitoring 104
- Oil spills 33
- Overfishing 121
- Pacific cod 13
- Piling (Civil engineering) 16
- Pinnipedia 38
- Pollock 13
- Pollock fisheries 20
- Reef fisheries 24
- Research 165
- Restoration ecology 33
- Salmon 18
- Salmon fisheries 25
- Sea turtles 58
- Seismic tomography 24
- Shortnose sturgeon 20
- Squid fisheries 13
- Steelhead (Fish) 15
- Steller's sea lion 26
- Stromateidae 13
- Sustainable fisheries 221
- Trawls and trawling 34
- Tuna fisheries 17
- Wetland restoration 17
Name as Subject
Place as Subject
- Alabama 8
- Alaska 73
- Alaska, Gulf of (Alaska) 103
- Alaska, Southeast 3
- Aleutian Islands 9
- Aleutian Islands (Alaska) 56
- Altamaha River 3
- American Samoa 20
- Antarctica 3
- Antarctic Ocean 4
- A Publication of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council pursuant to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award 2
- Arctic Ocean 7
- Arctic regions 2
- Atlantic Coast 11
- Atlantic Coast (Fla.) 5
- Atlantic Coast (Middle Atlantic States) 10
- Atlantic Coast (New England) 49
- Atlantic Coast (South Atlantic States) 42
- Atlantic Coast (U.S.) 96
- Atlantic Ocean 52
- Beaufort Sea 10
- Beaufort Sea Coast 3
- Beaufort Sea Coast (Alaska) 3
- Bering Sea 76
- Bonneville Dam (Or. and Wash.) 4
- Bremerton 3
- Buzzards Bay (Mass.) 3
- California 60
- Caribbean Area 6
- Caribbean Sea 20
- Charleston Harbor (S.C.) 4
- Chukchi Sea 12
- Cobscook Bay 3
- Columbia River 7
- Columbia River Watershed 3
- Cook Inlet 6
- Delaware 4
- Eglin Air Force Base 3
- Florida 35
- Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary 4
- Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (Fla.) 4
- Galveston Bay 3
- Georges Bank 5
- Georgia 6
- Grays Harbor County 3
- Guam 11
- Gulf Coast 6
- Gulf Coast (Fla.) 6
- Gulf Coast (U.S.) 18
- Hawaii 40
- Hudson River (N.Y. and N.J.) 4
- Idaho 5
- Illinois 3
- Indian Ocean 4
- Islands of the Pacific 18
- Johnston Island 3
- Kitsap County 3
- Klamath River (Or. and Calif.) 3
- Leeward Islands 3
- Line Islands 3
- Louisiana 9
- Maine 9
- Maine, Gulf of 15
- Massachusetts 10
- Mexico, Gulf of 102
- Michigan 5
- Mississippi 3
- Naval Base Kitsap 3
- New Jersey 4
- North Atlantic Ocean 32
- North Carolina 13
- Northern Mariana Islands 15
- North Pacific Ocean 8
- Oregon 28
- Pacific Coast 21
- Pacific Coast (Alaska) 3
- Pacific Coast (Calif.) 8
- Pacific Coast (Hawaii) 3
- Pacific Coast (Or.) 4
- Pacific Coast (U.S.) 62
- Pacific Coast (Wash.) 3
- Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) 5
- Pacific Ocean 68
- Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument 6
- Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (Hawaii) 4
- Penobscot River 3
- Plaquemines Parish 5
- Puerto Rico 18
- Rhode Island 3
- San Francisco Bay (Calif.) 3
- Snake River Watershed (Wyo.-Wash.) 3
- South Atlantic Ocean 3
- South Carolina 5
- Texas 9
- United States 780
- United States Virgin Islands 12
- Virginia 6
- Washington 4
- Washington (State) 48
- Wisconsin 4
Select all docs (Max 200)
1 -
20 of 1052 Results
Refine Results:
- 2024 (17)
- 2023 (18)
- 2022 (19)
- 2021 (25)
- 2020 (37)
- 2019 (14)
- 2018 (13)
- 2017 (19)
- 2016 (38)
- 2015 (90)
- 2014 (111)
- 2013 (111)
- 2012 (133)
- 2011 (142)
- 2010 (131)
- 2009 (35)
- 2008 (7)
- 2007 (2)
- 2006 (9)
- 2005 (11)
- 2004 (3)
- 2003 (7)
- 2002 (3)
- 2001 (4)
- 2000 (4)
- 1999 (9)
- 1998 (7)
- 1997 (7)
- 1996 (2)
- 1995 (3)
- 1993 (1)
- 1992 (1)
- 1991 (1)
- 1990 (3)
- 1989 (2)
- 1988 (1)
- 1987 (1)
- 1981 (2)
- 1980 (1)
- 1979 (6)
- 1978 (1)
- 1977 (1)
- AFSC (Alaska Fisheries Science Center) (23)
- AKR (Alaska Region) (94)
- CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System) (35)
- DWH (Deepwater Horizon) (24)
- GAR (Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries) (1)
- GARF (Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries) (20)
- MPA (Marine Protected Areas) (9)
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (2)
- NCCOS (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science) (2)
- NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center) (2)
- NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act (2)
- NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) (1035)
- NER (Northeast Region) (13)
- NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) (2)
- NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) (906)
- NOAA General Documents (1)
- NOS (National Ocean Service) (72)
- NWFSC (Northwest Fisheries Science Center) (3)
- NWS (National Weather Service) (4)
- OA (Office of Aquaculture) (1)
- OAA (Office of Assistant Administrator) (3)
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) (3)
- OCM (Office for Coastal Management) (10)
- OHC (Office of Habitat Conservation) (44)
- OLE (Office of Law Enforcement) (6)
- OMAO (Office of Marine and Aviation Operations) (4)
- OMB (Office of Management and Budget) (1)
- ONMS (Office of National Marine Sanctuaries) (9)
- OPR (Office of Protected Resources) (156)
- ORR (Office of Response and Restoration) (12)
- OSF (Office of Sustainable Fisheries) (22)
- PIFSC (Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center) (11)
- PIR (Pacific Island Region) (28)
- PIR (Pacific Islands Region) (1)
- Restoration (2)
- Sea Grant (4)
- SEFSC (Southeast Fisheries Science Center) (3)
- SER (Southeast Region) (68)
- SWFSC (Southwest Fisheries Science Center) (2)
- SWR (Southwest Region) (3)
- UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) (1)
- WCR (West Coast Region) (39)
- Atlantic sturgeon (15)
- Bigeye tuna (14)
- Black sea bass (11)
- BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill, 2010 (24)
- Bycatches (14)
- Bycatches (Fisheries) (32)
- California sea lion (22)
- Catch effort (205)
- Cetacea (14)
- Chinook salmon (22)
- Cleanup (18)
- Coastal zone management (35)
- Coho salmon (12)
- Conservation (355)
- Construction (17)
- Control (11)
- Coral reef restoration (11)
- Design and construction (44)
- Ecology (22)
- Economic zones (Law of the sea) (24)
- Effect of environment on (22)
- Effect of fishing on (20)
- Effect of human beings on (148)
- Effect of noise on (76)
- Effect of oil spills on (14)
- Endangered species (175)
- Environmental aspects (221)
- Environmental conditions (27)
- Environmental impact analysis (965)
- Environmental impact statements (672)
- Environmental policy (628)
- Equipment and supplies (27)
- Estuarine restoration (11)
- Fisheries (208)
- Fishery closures (28)
- Fishery law and legislation (23)
- Fishery management (447)
- Fishery policy (215)
- Fishes (14)
- Fish hatcheries (20)
- Fishing (61)
- Fish populations (16)
- Fish stock assessment (14)
- Fish tagging (12)
- Flatfish fisheries (13)
- Geographical distribution (23)
- Geophysical surveys (33)
- Government policy (776)
- Gray whale (11)
- Green turtle (18)
- Groundfishes (51)
- Groundfish fisheries (75)
- Grouper fisheries (19)
- Habitat (53)
- Habitat conservation (17)
- Halibut fisheries (14)
- Harbor porpoise (17)
- Harbor seal (26)
- Harvesting (17)
- Hawksbill turtle (13)
- Humpback whale (22)
- Individual fishing quotas (73)
- Law and legislation (26)
- Licenses (12)
- Loggerhead turtle (15)
- Longlining (Fisheries) (25)
- Lutjanus campechanus (22)
- Maintenance and repair (12)
- Management (128)
- Marine engineering (13)
- Marine geophysics (30)
- Marine mammals (155)
- Marine parks and reserves (14)
- Marine resources conservation (80)
- Migration (29)
- Military research (14)
- Monitoring (104)
- Oil spills (33)
- Overfishing (121)
- Pacific cod (13)
- Piling (Civil engineering) (16)
- Pinnipedia (38)
- Pollock (13)
- Pollock fisheries (20)
- Reef fisheries (24)
- Research (165)
- Restoration ecology (33)
- Salmon (18)
- Salmon fisheries (25)
- Sea turtles (58)
- Seismic tomography (24)
- Shortnose sturgeon (20)
- Squid fisheries (13)
- Steelhead (Fish) (15)
- Steller's sea lion (26)
- Stromateidae (13)
- Sustainable fisheries (221)
- Trawls and trawling (34)
- Tuna fisheries (17)
- Wetland restoration (17)
- Alabama (8)
- Alaska (73)
- Alaska, Gulf of (Alaska) (103)
- Alaska, Southeast (3)
- Aleutian Islands (9)
- Aleutian Islands (Alaska) (56)
- Altamaha River (3)
- American Samoa (20)
- Antarctica (3)
- Antarctic Ocean (4)
- A Publication of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council pursuant to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award (2)
- Arctic Ocean (7)
- Arctic regions (2)
- Atlantic Coast (11)
- Atlantic Coast (Fla.) (5)
- Atlantic Coast (Middle Atlantic States) (10)
- Atlantic Coast (New England) (49)
- Atlantic Coast (South Atlantic States) (42)
- Atlantic Coast (U.S.) (96)
- Atlantic Ocean (52)
- Beaufort Sea (10)
- Beaufort Sea Coast (3)
- Beaufort Sea Coast (Alaska) (3)
- Bering Sea (76)
- Bonneville Dam (Or. and Wash.) (4)
- Bremerton (3)
- Buzzards Bay (Mass.) (3)
- California (60)
- Caribbean Area (6)
- Caribbean Sea (20)
- Charleston Harbor (S.C.) (4)
- Chukchi Sea (12)
- Cobscook Bay (3)
- Columbia River (7)
- Columbia River Watershed (3)
- Cook Inlet (6)
- Delaware (4)
- Eglin Air Force Base (3)
- Florida (35)
- Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (4)
- Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (Fla.) (4)
- Galveston Bay (3)
- Georges Bank (5)
- Georgia (6)
- Grays Harbor County (3)
- Guam (11)
- Gulf Coast (6)
- Gulf Coast (Fla.) (6)
- Gulf Coast (U.S.) (18)
- Hawaii (40)
- Hudson River (N.Y. and N.J.) (4)
- Idaho (5)
- Illinois (3)
- Indian Ocean (4)
- Islands of the Pacific (18)
- Johnston Island (3)
- Kitsap County (3)
- Klamath River (Or. and Calif.) (3)
- Leeward Islands (3)
- Line Islands (3)
- Louisiana (9)
- Maine (9)
- Maine, Gulf of (15)
- Massachusetts (10)
- Mexico, Gulf of (102)
- Michigan (5)
- Mississippi (3)
- Naval Base Kitsap (3)
- New Jersey (4)
- North Atlantic Ocean (32)
- North Carolina (13)
- Northern Mariana Islands (15)
- North Pacific Ocean (8)
- Oregon (28)
- Pacific Coast (21)
- Pacific Coast (Alaska) (3)
- Pacific Coast (Calif.) (8)
- Pacific Coast (Hawaii) (3)
- Pacific Coast (Or.) (4)
- Pacific Coast (U.S.) (62)
- Pacific Coast (Wash.) (3)
- Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) (5)
- Pacific Ocean (68)
- Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (6)
- Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (Hawaii) (4)
- Penobscot River (3)
- Plaquemines Parish (5)
- Puerto Rico (18)
- Rhode Island (3)
- San Francisco Bay (Calif.) (3)
- Snake River Watershed (Wyo.-Wash.) (3)
- South Atlantic Ocean (3)
- South Carolina (5)
- Texas (9)
- United States (780)
- United States Virgin Islands (12)
- Virginia (6)
- Washington (4)
- Washington (State) (48)
- Wisconsin (4)