NOAA's recent development of a real-time ocean observing system to support safe navigation along U.S. Arctic Coasts
Source: OCEANS 2017 - Anchorage, Anchorage, AK, USA, 2017, pp. 1-10
Journal Title:OCEANS 2017 - Anchorage
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:Recent studies on global climate change have identified the Arctic as the fastest warming region on Earth. Resulting trends of receding sea ice have led to more accessible Arctic waterways during summer months and an anticipated increase in maritime transport throughout the region. Prolonged access between North America and Europe via the Northeast Passage is of significant interest to the international maritime community. NOAA National Ocean Service's Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) understands these changing conditions and recognizes the critical need for real-time oceanographic and meteorological observations along the U.S. Arctic coasts to support safe navigation. CO-OPS has been developing and testing a new, real-time oceanographic and meteorological observing system to address measurement needs at remote coastal sites where lack of infrastructure limits the use of land-based designs. The prototype system has two main components: 1) a bottom mounted ocean measurement platform and 2) a surface buoy with meteorological sensors and a satellite telemetry system. These two components are connected wirelessly, via an underwater acoustic link. Design details of the new system under development are presented here, along with results from three mid-Atlantic field trials successfully completed with an evolving prototype system, during 2014–2016. Plans for continuing work include completing a yearlong field trial in a relevant environment, along Alaska's northern slope, a critical step required to move the prototype system to the next technology readiness level.
Source:OCEANS 2017 - Anchorage, Anchorage, AK, USA, 2017, pp. 1-10
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