The 1981 Saugus to Palmdale, California Leveling Refraction Test
Source: NOAA technical report NOS ; 98 NGS 27
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Description:During May and June 1981 the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Geodetic Survey, of the National Ocean Service, NOAA, participated in a joint refraction test along a leveling route from Saugus to Palmdale, Calif. The purpose was to determine (1) the magnitude of the differences between heights determined using short- and long-sight distances along the same leveling route; (2) the ability of standard refraction models, used in conjunction with both measured and predicted temperature gradients, to explain the observed differences, and (3) the ability of the temperature model used by S. R. Holdahl to reproduce observed temperature differences.
Source:NOAA technical report NOS ; 98 NGS 27
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