An Annotated Bibliography On Mechanically Separated Finfish And Crustacea Meats
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Description:The study of deboned fish flesh at North Carolina State University began in 1970. Since that time our contributions to the literature, along with the contributions from others, have indicated a need to bring together the current literature. During the summer of 1977 a compilation of relevant available literature on the subject of mechanically deboned finfish and Crustacea meats was begun. The literature was reviewed and annotated to form a ready source of information gathered in a single collection. The bibliography is to be used as a preliminary reference for those unfamiliar with what has been published concerning minced fish flesh technology. For those who have participated in investigative studies on mechanical deboning, this material may add new dimensions. Efforts centered on reputable publications, trade journals, and selected technological conferences, the proceedings of which were readily available to our facility. Many popularized articles were not used and some conferences were undoubtedly overlooked due to the limited time alloted to this initial review. References to patents were not included. Discrimination was used when virtually the same work and results were published in several different sources. Among the sources contacted were national, university, and local libraries, universities known to have ongoing work in this field, National Marine Fisheries Service technological laboratories, Environment Canada Halifax Laboratory, Torry Research Station, fishery attaches, and other foreign sources. In the reference section, authors are listed alphabetically. The subject index consists of general headings placed in sequential order according to treatment of the subject. Each reference, identified by author(s) and date, is placed under the headings which predominate in the particular work. Also provided are listings of meetings and symposiums, as well as abstract and index sources not extensively consulted in this study. It is the hope of those producing this bibliography that it will provide a valuable guide to the present literature, summarize the state of the art, and point out the needs for future areas of emphasis.
Sea Grant Document Number:NCU-L-77-001
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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