Investigation Of Methods For Determining Coastal Bluff Erosion -Historical Section-
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Description:In November 1972 the people of California passed an initiative which became the Coastal Act. They decided the coastline should be treated as a special, sensitive resource of the State. In making land use decisions, Coastal Commissions discovered there was a lack of critical information on hazards to development along the coast. This portion of the report presents historical information on bluff erosion along a portion of coastline in Humboldt County, from Little River, north to the Gold Bluffs area. The purpose of the historic section of the report is to provide information on erosion and retreat of coastal bluffs and landslide areas from Redwood Creek to Little River in Humboldt County. This information should provide the data needed to test the predictive model developed in the other sections of this study. Another purpose was to provide actual documentable measurements of coastal erosion along the study section. This information is needed by coastal property owners, prospective buyers of coastal property, loaning institutions, realtors, engineers, developers, building contractors, Coastal Commission, Humboldt County Planning Department, Humboldt County Public Works Department, Caltrans, Corps of Engineers, Redwood National Park, and the Northern District Office of the California Department of Parks and Recreation. The enlarged (38" x 38") aerial photographs and historic maps were too large to include in this report. They will be placed in the Environmental Data Bank of the Humboldt County Natural Resources Division and remain available to researchers, planners, engineers, property owners, and other interested parties.
Sea Grant Document Number:CUIMR-T-81-003
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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