A Report On The University Of Rhode Island Sea Grant Program July 1981 To June 1983
Series: Marine Memorandum ; 75
Personal Author:
NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:This report covers the fourteenth and fifteenth years of The University of Rhode Island's activities contributing to the National Sea Grant College Program. Reading reports such as this one every other year is somewhat like looking at snapshots in a time sequence. The brief descriptions of individual projects cannot convey the way the projects grow and build on one another through the years. But the growth is constant. One example is the very effective fishing gear program of the URI Marine Advisory Service. That work had a halting start in 1966, but it did not really develop until much later, when Sea Grant support became available. It has now reached a level of excellence as a joint program with the Fisheries Engineering Center of the National Marine Fisheries Service which gives it nationwide impact.
Sea Grant Document Number:RIU-Q-83-001
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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