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Aquatic Nuisance Species-Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Point Training Curriculum
Alternative Title:ANS-HACCP
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NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:This course manual was adapted from the "HACCP: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Training Curriculum," which was developed by the National Seafood HACCP Alliance for Training and Education. It is written especially for wild baitfish harvesters and fish farmers (both private and public) who raise baitfish or fish for stocking into public and private waters. The HACCP approach also may be used for fish farmers culturing aquatic nuisance species for food or other purposes. The manual identifies critical pathways through which aquatic nuisance species and/or non-target aquatic species could enter aquaculture and baitfish operations. It also identifies methods to prevent the inadvertent transfer of these species to new areas.
Sea Grant Document Number:MINNU-E-01-001
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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