Catalog of observation times of ground-based Skylab-coordinated solar observing programs
Series: Report UAG ; 43
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:"Solar physicists around the world collaborated in an international effort to provide extensive ground-based coverage of solar activity during the SKYLAB Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM) program. This ground-based coverage provided invaluable assistance to the SKYLAB experimenters by alerting them to possible interesting observing intervals. It is also proving useful in reducing the myriad amount of SKYLAB/ATM data, to fill in times when SKYLAB was not observing, to supplement the SKYLAB data in order to optimize the interpretation of solar phenomena, and to aid in determining interesting periods for study. This international collaboration has brought together the expertise of many scientists to deal with an unprecedented collection of excellent solar observations. We attempt here to provide a useful reference guide for this extraordinary research project" - - Introduction.
Content Notes:compiled by Helen E. Coffey.
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