Development of full-flow PIT-tag interrogation systems for Snake and Columbia River dams
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Description:In 2001, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) asked the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to evaluate the technical feasibility of interrogating PIT-tagged fish in large-diameter juvenile fish bypass pipes (full-flow bypass system) at McNary Dam. Objectives of this evaluation were 1) to develop a PIT-tag interrogation system that would function year-round rather than only seasonally, as is presently the case, 2) to provide greater flexibility in the operation of the juvenile fish facility without disrupting operation of the present juvenile interrogation systems, and 3) to develop a system that could be used with the existing juvenile fish bypass pipe that leads from the powerhouse to the juvenile fish collection and monitoring facility. Information gained from the design of a full-flow system at McNary Dam will aid in the design of similar full-flow systems being proposed for Bonneville Dam, John Day Dam, and other federal hydroelectric dams of the Columbia River Basin.
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