Thailand fishery trends
Corporate Authors:
NOAA Program & Office:
Description:Thailand's marine fisheries in the coastal areas have been expanding for the past 10 years. To protect the coastal resources which are being rapidly depleted, the Thai Government is restricting effort in the coastal fishery and promoting deep-sea fishing. Fleet and gear are being improved and modernized, and fishermen are being trained in modem fishing techniques and high-seas navigation. On the other hand, the freshwater fisheries are becoming relatively less important. The total fisheries catch has increased nearly eightfold to about 1.6 million tons during the past decade. Exports of fishery products have also increased due largely to the development of a shrimp processing industry. Since shrimp exports could help reduce Thailand's present trade deficit, the Thai Government is planning to place further emphasis on shrimp production as part of the Third 5-Year Economic Development Plan (1972-76).
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