Report of water masses receiving wastes from ocean dumping at the 106-mile dumpsite, January 1, 1989 through December 31, 1989
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Description:The 106-Mile Dumpsite is a deep-ocean site located 106 miles southeast of New York that receives sewage-treatment sludge from several municipalities in New York and New Jersey. The site is occupied predominantly by slope water, however incursions of shelf water and warm core rings occur periodically. Satellite infrared data are used to determine which water masses are present at the time of each dump. Records of sewage sludge dumping at the site are obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) This report, the fourteenth in a series of annual summaries, correlates data regarding the volumes and dates of the dumps at the site with information on the water masses present at the time. A summary of the amounts of wastes received by each of the three principal water masses for 1989 is presented. In 1989, 1,749 X 1()6 gallons of sewage sludge was dumped at the 106-mile site. Approximately 81 percent (by volume) of the sludge was dumped in slope water, with the remainder being received by warm core rings (10 percent) and shelf water (9 percent).
Content Notes:by Margaret H. Sano.
"June 1990."
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Includes bibliographical references (page 4).
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