NOAA Fisheries WCR Guidance to Improve the Resilience of Fish Passage Facilities to Climate Change - 2022
Alternative Title:NOAA Fisheries WCR Guidance to Improve the Resilience of Fish Passage Facilities to Climate Change - 2022
Corporate Authors:
NOAA Program & Office:
Description:The intended users of Improving Resilience are NMFS engineers and biologists, along with applicants and their consultants. One of the goals of the document
is to assist parties in satisfying NMFS regulatory authorities and NMFS’ policy on the treatment of climate change in Endangered Species Act (ESA) decisions. Improving Resilience provides the processes and tools needed to incorporate climate resiliency into the design of fish passage facilities and represents the first in a series of documents applicants should use when designing a fish passage project in the West Coast Region (WCR), which encompasses California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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