Benthic Morphology And Marine Life Assessment For The Siting Of Ocean Outfalls On South Tarawa: The South Tarawa Sanitation Improvement Sector Project, Tarawa Atoll, Kiribati
Series: UNIHI-SEAGRANT-TT ; 14-06
Personal Author:
NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:This report presents the findings and recommendations from marine surveys carried out by University of Hawai'i Sea Grant and College of the Marshall Islands during January 19-25, 2015 at the existing and proposed sewer outfalls on South Tarawa in Kiribati. The purpose is to determine the optimal siting of proposed new sewage outfalls for the locations of Betio, Bairiki, and Bikenibeu via reconnaissance and a close visual inspection and marine life survey for the proposed outfalls routes. The proponent for the project is the Kiribati Ministry of Public Works and Utilities. The report will also be useful for the Kiribati environmental assessment permitting process, and provides a baseline reference for future monitoring or research (see section 3.3 p19). More directly, the report allows landowners and Government to understand the environmental value of the coral reefs along parts of South Tarawa. A summary of chainage (distances) and depths for each outfall location is provided in appendix A and discussed within pertinent sections of the report. Observations on water temperature based on dive data are provided in appendix B. The detailed recommendations for the close visual inspection and marine life surveys are contained within the obstructions descriptions for each outfall. The marine life transect analysis gives a detailed snapshot of degradation, which was consistent with those recommendations.
Sea Grant Document Number:HAWAU-S-15-002
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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