Linking After-School Programs And Stem Learning: A View From Another Window
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Linking After-School Programs And Stem Learning: A View From Another Window

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  • Personal Author:
  • NOAA Program & Office:
  • Sea Grant Program:
  • Description:
    Findings from research and evaluation efforts over the past several years provide increasingly sound evidence that it is not a question of whether OST programs actually make a difference to children and youth, but rather why, how, and for whom such programs are effective. For instance, a series of studies document the impacts of quality out-of-school youth programs hosted by museums and other community-based organizations/i​nstitutions. These studies demonstrate that such programs positively influence youth's critical thinking skills and behaviors, school attendance rates, technology and study skills, classroom behavior, content knowledge, and academic pursuits and career goals, as well as their self-confidence and feelings of competence, creativity, interpersonal and teamwork skills, relationships with peers and family, work ethic, tolerance of others, and social awareness and responsibility. Critical factors correlated with these findings include participants perceiving that the program included supportive adults with high expectations who worked hard to establish positive relationships with them and curriculum and activities that were interesting, personalized, and meaningfully related to their daily lives.
  • Sea Grant Document Number:
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