The Future Of Harmful Algal Blooms In Florida Inland And Coastal Waters
Series: EDIS publication no. SG153
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NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:Algae blooms are common in Florida lakes, reservoirs, rivers, and estuaries. Sometimes blooms are beneficial. They are comprised of algae that provide essential food for shellfish and microscopic animals in the water, which in turn are eaten by fish. They also feed oysters, which build reefs that provide essential habitat. Sometimes, blooms can become harmful and inhibit human recreational uses of the water or impair the ecosystem. Harmful algal blooms are stimulated by excessive levels of nutrients and also by warm water. There is evidence that harmful algal blooms will become more severe and more difficult to control in the future because of warming caused by climate change.
Sea Grant Document Number:FLSGP-T-18-003
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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