Information Priorities. Final Report Of The Advisory Committee Ocean Resources Assessment Program
Corporate Authors:
NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:This book evaluates what information the State of Washington should have in hand to be prepared for offshore petroleum development. Intended for decision makers and citizens concerned with offshore oil development, it compiles the experiences and insights of a group who in effect took a `crash course' in offshore operations and their management and impacts. The group included state, local, and tribal officials and representatives of trade and industry; and environmental groups with a stake in the potential impacts of offshore development. Members travelled to the Gulf coast of Texas and Louisiana, southern California, and Cook Inlet, Alaska. They inspected both on- and offshore facilities; and they also talked with local officials and fishermen about their experiences with offshore oil, about how they had initially responded, and about what they wished they had known at the time or done differently. The book concludes with a list of recommended action and research needs before offshore leasing takes place. Most items relate to potential impacts identified by the committee and to the state's need to assert a voice in the decision making process.
Sea Grant Document Number:WASHU-T-88-005
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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