State And Local Influence Over Offshore Oil Decisions
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Description:The U.S. Minerals Management Service actively promotes the use of the outer continental shelf (OCS) for petroleum development. Many state and local governments perceive that the consequences of that development will be negative, for example, increased pollution, lost fishing opportunity, and industrial development and growth in coastal areas. For the past fifteen years an intense--often bitter--dialogue has occurred between MMS and state/local interests over offshore oil policy and decisions. Out of this highly charged debate, new policies and procedures have emerged. This book describes the OCS leasing process and the opportunities for state and local governments to influence federal decision making. Particular attention is paid to decisions about lease area deferrals, lease stipulations, permit conditions, and onshore development, making use of case studies from around the nation. Many conclusions are drawn which characterize the process, highlight remaining issues, and suggest future directions.
Sea Grant Document Number:WASHU-T-88-006
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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