A Guide To Laws And Regulations Governing The Importation Of Seafood Into Japan
Series: MASGP-92-013
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NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:Japan is the largest fisheries trading country in the world and represents a huge market for fisheries products. The purpose of this guide is to provide U.S. exporters with a summary of the laws and regulations that govern the importation of seafood products into Japan. Discussion is confined to Japanese laws and regulations; advice on seafood marketing strategies must be sought elsewhere. The guide is divided into three primary categories of public legal and regulatory measures: (1) customs tariffs; (2) import quotas; and (3) sanitary laws and regulations. Also included are lists of related publications and government agencies here and in Japan that can answer specific questions.
Sea Grant Document Number:MASGC-H-92-003
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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