Historical occurrence of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in streams of the Santa Cruz mountain region of California : response to an endangered species act petition to delist coho salmon south of San Francisco Bay
Alternative Title:Coho salmon (Oncorphnchus kisutch) in streams of the Santa Cruz mountain region of California
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:"This report summarizes evidence relevant to evaluating the petitioned action and establishing an appropriate southern boundary for the CCC Coho Salmon ESU. Evidence considered includes that presented by the petitioner, NMFS, and the scientific publications that followed, as well as new information gathered by the BRT. In reviewing historical records, it became increasingly evident to the BRT that a thorough understanding of the historical ecological and scientific context of the region prior to 1905 is critical for proper interpretation of published scientific and popular accounts of salmonids south of San Francisco. This context includes many facets, including understanding the environmental history of the region, both before and after Euro-American settlement, the history of what was known about the taxonomy, nomenclature, and life history of salmonids prior to 1900, the scientific data (or lack thereof) underlying historical descriptions of species' ranges during those early years, and the history of artificial propagation of coho salmon in central California"--Purpose of the BRT report.
Content Notes:Brian C. Spence, Walter G. Duffy, John Carlos Garza, Bret C. Harvey, Susan M. Sogard, Laurie A. Weitkamp, thomas H. Williams, and David A. Boughton.
"February 2011."
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 97-113).
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