University Of Hawaii Marine Option Program Annual Report, 1977-78
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Sea Grant Program:
Description:The Marine Option Program serves as a catalyst to stimulate student interest and to instill an orientation towards the marine environment. Hawaii's limited land resources and the demands of a growing population encourage us to turn towards the ocean to seek alternatives to land-based systems. With the state's increasing focus on the ocean comes the need for environmental awareness and the need for proper management and development of our marine resources. A major goal of the Marine Option Program is to provide undergraduate students with a marine orientation. Through the program, students are able to relate their academic course work to the real world through hands-on experience and exposure not otherwise possible. This annual report covers the period from July 1, 1977 through June 30, 1978. It provides an overview of the students' experiences within the Marine Option Program as seen through the eyes of the students, staff, and supporters of the program. A unique insight into the program is given through strong emphasis on the students' perspectives.
Sea Grant Document Number:HAWAU-Q-78-001
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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