Exploring The Impacts Of Climate And Policy Changes On Coastal Community Resilience: Simulating Alternative Future Scenarios
Source: Environmental Modelling & Software 109: 80-92
Journal Title:Environmental Modelling & Software
Personal Author:
NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:Coupled models of coastal hazards, ecosystems, socioeconomics, and landscape management in conjunction with alternative scenario analysis provide tools that can allow decision-makers to explore effects of policy decisions under uncertain futures. Here, we describe the development and assessment of a set of model-based alternative future scenarios examining climate and population driven landscape dynamics for a coastal region in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. These scenarios incorporated coupled spatiotemporal models of climate and coastal hazards, population and development, and policy and assessed a variety of landscape metrics for each scenario. Coastal flooding and erosion were probabilistically simulated using 99 future 95-year climate scenarios. Five policy scenarios were iteratively co-developed by researchers and stakeholders in Tillamook County, Oregon. Results suggest that both climate change and management decisions have a significant impact across the landscape, and can potentially impact geographic regions at different magnitudes and timescales.
Source:Environmental Modelling & Software 109: 80-92
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Rights Information:Accepted Manuscript
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