Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis of Alternative Harvest Policies for Rebuilding Pacific Ocean Perch in the Gulf of Alaska
Alternative Title:Amendment 32 Analysis
Corporate Authors:
NOAA Program & Office:
Description:By the mid 1970's the biomass of Pacific ocean perch (POP) in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) had been reduced to about 10% of the level during the early 1960's. For the period 1961-1977 the average annual catch of POP was 40,790 tons, thereafter, landings averaged 6,078 tons. Although fishing mortality has been greatly reduced, the stock has shown only modest increases; the current estimate of spawner biomass is between 15-20% of the level observed during the 1960's. This has raised concern that past management measures may have been inadequate to rebuild the stock of POP in the GOA. Consequently, the Council requested that a detailed analysis be performed to: a) identify optimal fishing rates for rockfish species such as Pacific ocean perch; b) identify the biomass level that would achieve an optimum yield; and c) evaluate the effect of alternative fishing policies on rebuilding POP. The purpose of this analysis is to provide the Council with information to assess alternative harvest policies and their effect on rebuilding the stock of POP in the GOA.
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