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Alternative Title:Wildland Fire in High Northern Latitudes
Personal Author:
Corporate Authors:Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (U.S.) ; International Arctic Research Center ; University of Alaska Fairbanks ; United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research ; Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (Fort Collins, Colo.)
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Description:Despite the low annual temperatures and short growing seasons that are characteristic of high northern latitudes (HNL), wildland fire is the dominant ecological disturbance within the region's boreal forest, the world's largest terrestrial biome. The boreal forest, also known as Taiga, is the band of mostly coniferous trees that stretches across the area north of the July 13°C isotherm in North America and Eurasia. Wildland fires also impact the tundra regions bordering the Taiga. This brief report updates our previous contribution to Arctic Report Card 2017. It summarizes evidence on variability and trends in fire disturbance in HNL, describes the fuels that characterize boreal and tundra ecosystems, and outlines how climate and subseasonal fire weather conditions in HNL influence the extent of area burned in a given year.
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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