Passive Acoustic Survey Of Deep-Diving Odontocetes in the California Current Ecosystem 2018: Final Report
Series: NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC ; 630
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Description:The 2018 California Current Ecosystem Survey (CCES) was a multidisciplinary survey of the marine ecosystem from southern British Columbia, Canada to northern Baja California, Mexico. This survey was a collaboration between the Southwest Fisheries Science Center’s (SWFSC) Fishery Resource Division (FRD) and Marine Mammal and Turtle Division (MMTD). CCES 2018 was conducted from 26 June to 4 December 2018 aboard the NOAA ship Reuben Lasker. The survey included oceanographic measurements, use of multi-frequency echosounders, surface trawls, vertically and obliquely integrating net tows, continuous underway fish egg sampling, visual line-transect surveys for marine mammals, photographic capture-recapture studies of marine mammals, strip transect surveys for seabirds, and passive acoustic surveys of marine mammals using Drifting Acoustic Spar Buoy Recorders (DASBRs). MMTD and FRD worked jointly aboard the vessel during Legs 1 through 4 (OMAO Project No. RL-18-03) when the vessel surveyed off the coasts of Vancouver Island and the US West Coast. MMTD conducted operations alone during Legs 5 through 7 (OMAO Project No. RL-19-01) when the vessel surveyed off the US West Coast and Mexico. Preliminary results from the oceanographic, fisheries, and krill investigations by FRD are presented in Stierhoff et al., (2019). Preliminary results from the visual surveys for marine mammals and seabirds by MMTD are presented in Henry et al., (in press). In this report we present the preliminary results of the passive acoustic monitoring efforts using DASBRs.
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