NOAA Readiness Levels Workshop: Post-Workshop Report
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Description:Readiness Levels (RLs) constitute a relatively new concept for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), with application evolving over the past few years. The utility of RLs has already been demonstrated, but their full benefits have yet to be realized and much confusion still persists. As such, the NOAA Research Council Line Office Transition Managers Committee (LOTMC) held a virtual workshop on May 8, 2020 to: (1)provide a forum to raise issues with RL assignment, usage, and definition, (2)discuss modifications to, and examples of, categorical definitions of “things” that transition, and (3)develop plans both to establish clear, NOAA-agreed on guidance for better RL assessment and to distribute workshop information and potential NAO 216-105B amendments.
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