BOMEX bulletin no.4
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Description:This, the fourth in the series of BOMEX Bulletins, places heavy emphasis on describing the overall experimental design for BOMEX, the major program areas and brief descriptions of the individual experiments. The operational or data-gathering phases of BOMEX are underway; the Field Headquarters was established in the Paragon House, Barbados on 27 April 1969 and the ships, aircraft and other observing platforms were on location on schedule on 1 May 1969. At the termination of the field observation phases, the BOMEX Project Office will return and continue at its Rockville location. Pending the establishment of a BOMEX Analysis Group within the ESSA Research Laboratories, the Project Office will continue to coordinate data handling, data exchange and the analysis of certain of the primary sea-air interaction experiments. We also anticipate the publication of an additional Bulletin which will describe our field experience.
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