Summary of northern fur seal data and collection procedures. Vol. 2 : Eastern Pacific pelagic data of the United States and Canada (excluding fur seals sighted)
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Description:This is the second of several reports being produced as a result of the Seattle Data Workshop which the Standing Scientific Committee of the North Pacific Fur Seal Commission convened in December 1978. In a form suitable for population analyses, the Commission assembles here much of the detailed data collected by Canada and the United States during 1958-74 while carrying out research cruises in the eastern North Pacific region under the 1957 Convention. Data tables are preceded by an explanatory text in an effort to guard against unwarranted assumptions in population studies. Records of fur seal sightings and effort are not included, nor are the data on tagged or marked animals which are planned for a future report. The following biological data are summarized as agreed at the Workshop: age and sex composition, pregnancy rates, reproductive condition of females, length and weight, and food species consumed.
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