Assessment of the other flatfish stock complex in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands
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Description:The Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands “other flatfish” group have typically included those flatfish besides northern rock sole, yellowfin sole, arrowtooth flounder, Kamchatka flounder and Greenland turbot. Flathead sole (Hippoglossoides elassodon) were part of the other flatfish complex until they were removed in 1995, and Alaska plaice was removed from the complex in 2002, as sufficient biological data exists for these species to construct age-structured population models. In contrast, survey biomass estimates are the principal data source used to assess the remaining other flatfish. Although over a dozen species of flatfish are found in the BSAI area, the other flatfish biomass consists primarily of starry flounder, rex sole, and Dover sole. A full list of the species in the other flatfish complex is shown in Table 11.1. Different areas and depths in the BSAI have different species compositions within the other flatfish complex (Figure 11.1). Starry flounder, longhead dab, butter sole, and Sakhalin sole occur primarily on the on the shallower continental shelf. Dover sole and deep sea sole are found at greater depth, and English sole and Dover sole are more abundant in the AI than in the EBS. Rex sole is common on the EBS shelf, the slope, and in the AI. At present, no evidence of stock structure is evident for these species in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands region, although no formal genetic or tagging study has been conducted on these species in this region.
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