Assessment of the Kamchatka flounder stock in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands
Alternative Title:BSAI Chapter 7
NOAA Program & Office:
Description:The assessment of Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) Kamchatka flounder has been moved to a biennial schedule according to the stock assessment prioritization schedule. A partial assessment was done for BSAI Kamchatka flounder this year. In partial assessment years, an executive summary is presented with recommendations of harvest levels for the next two years. The 2016 full assessment is available online at https://www.afsc.noaa.gov/REFM/Docs/2016/BSAIkamchatka.pdf. The next full assessment will be conducted in 2018. A statistical age-structured model was used as the primary stock assessment tool for BSAI Kamchatka flounder, which qualifies as a Tier 3 stock. This assessment consists of a population model to estimates historical time series of population estimates and a projection model to predict future population estimates and recommended harvest levels. The data sets used in this assessment included fishery catch data, biomass estimates from the Eastern Bering Sea shelf and slope surveys and the Aleutian Islands survey, length composition data from the fishery, the EBS shelf and slope surveys, and the Aleutian Islands survey, and age data from the EBS slope and Aleutian Islands surveys. For a partial assessment year, we do not re-run the assessment model, but update the projection model with the new catch data. This report incorporates the most current catch information without re-estimating model parameters and biological reference points.
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