Comprehensive ecosystem-based amendment 1: protecting unfished and unmanaged forage fish species of the U.S. portion of the California current ecosystem : environmental assessment for Amendment 15 to the coastal pelagic species fishery management plan, Amendment 25 to the pacific coast groundfish fishery management plan, Amendment 3 to the highly migratory species fishery management plan, and Amendment 19 to the pacific coast salmon fishery management plan
Alternative Title:Environmental assessment for comprehensive ecosystem-based Amendment 1: protecting unfished and unmanaged forage fish species, RIN 0648-BF15;Environmental Assessment, March 2016;
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:"This action would prohibit the future development of new directed commercial fisheries for a suite of unfished forage fish species within the U.S. West Coast EEZ, unless a fishery is specifically allowed after the Pacific Fishery Management Council has had an opportunity to consider a proposed directed fishery. Because this action does not change how or where existing U.S. West Coast fisheries operate, we do not expect any individually or cumulatively significant effects from this action"--Cover letter summary.
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