Documentation of version 2 of Relaxed Arakawa-Schubert cumulus paramerterization with convective downdrafts
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Description:"In this report we have provided a detailed documentation of an advanced version of the Relaxed Arakawa-Schubert convection parameterization. This version of RAS includes several important improvements over the original RAS. The cloud model now includes the virtual effects of moisture on buoyancy. It also includes condensate loading and takes into account the production of precipitation as the updraft ascends. Quadratic entrainment is an option that is included with minimal additional complexity. A crude representation of ice phase for the condensate is also included. Detrainment at the cloud top provides a source of cloud condensate for models having cloud condensate as a prognostic variable"--Page 37.
Content Notes:Shrinivas Moorthi, Max J. Suarez.
"June 1999."
Also available online in PDF via the NOAA Central Library.
Includes bibliographical references (p.42-44).
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