NOAA Cooperative Institutes
The NOAA Cooperative Institutes are academic and non-profit research institutions that demonstrate the highest level of performance and conduct research that supports NOAA's Mission Goals and Strategic Plan. Currently, NOAA supports 17 Cooperative Institutes consisting of 58 universities and research institutions across 23 states and the District of Columbia. This collection consists of documents (technical reports and memorandum, as well as journal articles) that have been produced by these institutes in support of NOAA research through the use of NOAA funding support.
Select all docs (Max 200)
Narrow Results:
Year Published
NOAA Program & Office
- AFS (Analyze, Forecast, and Support Office) 6
- AFSC (Alaska Fisheries Science Center) 214
- AOML (Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory) 617
- AR (Alaska Region) 9
- ARL (Air Resources Laboratory) 150
- CESSRST (Cooperative Science Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies) 11
- CICAR (Cooperative Institute for Climate Applications and Research) 7
- CICOES (Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies) 337
- CICS (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites) 181
- CICSM (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites Maryland) 76
- CICSP (Cooperative Institute for Climate Science) 173
- CIFAR (Cooperative Institute for Alaska Research) 16
- CIGLR (Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research) 121
- CILER (Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research) 20
- CIMAR (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) 155
- CIMAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies) 674
- CIMEAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Systems) 29
- CIMEC (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystems and Climate) 33
- CIMERS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystem and Resources Studies) 30
- CIMES (Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System) 179
- CIMMS (Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies) 525
- CIMRS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies) 97
- CIMSS (Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies) 231
- CINAR (Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region) 84
- CIOERT (Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research and Technology) 27
- CIRA (Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere) 364
- CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) 3193
- CISESS (Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies) 303
- CIWRO (Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations) 226
- CO-OPS (Center for Operational Oceanographic Products & Services) 11
- CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System) 211
- CPC (Climate Prediction Center) 62
- CPO (Climate Program Office) 270
- CR (Central Region) 4
- CREST (Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies and Tech Center at City College of CUNY) 9
- CSL (Chemical Sciences Laboratory) 656
- DWH (Deepwater Horizon) 17
- Education and outreach 4
- EMC (Environmental Modelling Center) 90
- ESRL (Earth System Research Laboratory) 1026
- GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) 331
- GLERL (Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory) 88
- GML (Global Monitoring Laboratory) 324
- GOES-R (Geostationary Operation Environmental Satellite-R Series) 15
- GOMO (Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing) 39
- GSL (Global Systems Laboratory) 253
- HPC (Weather Prediction Center) 10
- Integrated Ecosystem Assessment 10
- IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System) 20
- JIMAR (Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) 183
- JISAO (Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean) 290
- JPSS (Joint Polar Satellite System Program Office) 59
- NCCOS (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science) 74
- NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) 491
- NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) 161
- NCICS (North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies) 30
- NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center) 55
- NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) 1035
- NGI (Northern Gulf Institute) 133
- NGS (Office of National Geodetic Survey) 8
- NHC (National Hurricane Center) 30
- NMF (National Marine Fisheries Service) 9
- NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) 767
- NOAA Cooperative Institutes 64
- NOS (National Ocean Service) 199
- NSSL (National Severe Storms Laboratory) 583
- NWFSC (Northwest Fisheries Science Center) 86
- NWS (National Weather Service) 559
- OAP (Ocean Acidification Program) 18
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) 7
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) 4473
- OBS (Office of Observations) 8
- Ocean Exploration Program 36
- OCM (Office for Coastal Management) 12
- OCS (Office of Coast Survey) 12
- OHC (Office of Habitat Conservation) 12
- OMAO (Office of Marine and Aviation Operations) 17
- ONMS (Office of National Marine Sanctuaries) 46
- OPC (Ocean Prediction Center) 5
- OPR (Office of Protected Resources) 19
- ORR (Office of Response and Restoration) 5
- OSPO (Office of Satellite and Product Operations) 5
- OST (Office of Science and Technology) 35
- OSTI (Office of Science and Technology Integration) 14
- OWP (Office of Water Prediction) 6
- PIFSC (Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center) 231
- PIR (Pacific Island Region) 16
- PMEL (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) 488
- PSL (Physical Sciences Laboratory) 654
- Sea Grant 96
- SEFSC (Southeast Fisheries Science Center) 136
- SER (Southeast Region) 15
- SPC (Storm Prediction Center) 65
- SR (Southern Region) 10
- STAR (Center for Satellite Applications and Research) 452
- STI (Office of Science and Technology Integration) 11
- SWFSC (Southwest Fisheries Science Center) 120
- SWPC (Space Weather Prediction Center) 84
- WPO (Weather Program Office) 44
- WR (Western Region) 5
Document Type
- Administrative Report 30
- Conference Proceeding 4
- Cruise Report 5
- Data Report 41
- Dataset 1
- Journal Article 7089
- Miscellaneous 9
- Newsletter 1
- Non-series Report 26
- Office Note 2
- Processed Report 8
- Program & Policy Document 1
- Reference Document 5
- Special Publication 1
- Technical Memorandum 101
- Technical Report 36
- White Paper 1
- Working Paper 2
- Aerosols 160
- Air quality 65
- Algorithms 40
- Aquatic Science 133
- Atmosphere 70
- Atmospheric chemistry 116
- Atmospheric Science 686
- Atmospheric science 92
- Atmospheric Sciences 23
- Boundary layer 44
- Calibration 23
- Carbon cycle (Biogeochemistry) 23
- Carbon dioxide 47
- Climate change 77
- Climatic changes 173
- Climatology 172
- Clouds 140
- Computers in Earth Sciences 22
- Convection (Meteorology) 33
- Coral reefs and islands 70
- Cyclones 85
- Data assimilation 36
- Data sets 25
- Droughts 42
- Earth-Surface Processes 37
- Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) 200
- Ecology 174
- Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics 116
- El Niño Current 23
- Emissions 31
- Ensembles 23
- Environmental Chemistry 88
- Environmental Engineering 25
- Environmental Science (miscellaneous) 47
- Estimates 22
- Evaluation 24
- Fisheries 27
- Fishery management 28
- Floods 32
- Forecasting 101
- General Chemistry 23
- General Earth and Planetary Sciences 282
- General Environmental Science 90
- General Medicine 28
- Genetics 30
- Geochemistry and Petrology 85
- Geology 60
- Geophysics 390
- Glaciers 23
- Global and Planetary Change 116
- Greenhouse gases 23
- Hurricanes 61
- Hydrology 42
- Lightning 30
- Machine learning 48
- Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law 23
- Mathematical models 176
- Meteorology 96
- Methane 31
- Modeling 24
- Monitoring 32
- Multidisciplinary 82
- Nature and Landscape Conservation 24
- Numerical weather forecasting 144
- Observations 98
- Ocean 31
- Ocean-atmosphere interaction 81
- Ocean acidification 29
- Ocean currents 24
- Ocean Engineering 63
- Oceanography 231
- Ocean temperature 67
- Ozone 56
- Paleontology 25
- Pollution 54
- Precipitation 75
- Precipitation (Meteorology) 24
- Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 23
- Radar 126
- Radars/Radar observations 43
- Rain and rainfall 69
- Remote sensing 417
- Research 42
- Satellites 23
- Science 30
- Sea ice 106
- Sea level 35
- Severe storms 54
- Snow 65
- Space and Planetary Science 219
- Technology 27
- Temperature 42
- Thunderstorms 33
- Tornadoes 63
- Troposphere 35
- Variability 23
- Water Science and Technology 104
- Weather forecasting 94
- Wildfires 37
- Winds 36
Place as Subject
- Africa 9
- Africa, East 2
- Africa, West 3
- Alabama 5
- Alaska 29
- Alaska, Gulf of (Alaska) 7
- Aleutian Islands (Alaska) 2
- Amazon River Region 5
- American Samoa 15
- Antarctic 2
- Antarctica 24
- Antarctic Ocean 18
- Antarctic Peninsula (Antarctica) 3
- Arabian Peninsula 2
- Arabian Sea 2
- Arctic 21
- Arctic Coast (Alaska) 4
- Arctic Ocean 57
- Arctic regions 62
- Arctic Regions 6
- Asia 14
- Atlantic Coast (U.S.) 5
- Atlantic Ocean 41
- Australia 8
- Barrow Canyon 4
- Beaufort Sea 8
- Bering Sea 38
- Biscayne Bay (Fla.) 3
- Brazil 4
- California 31
- Canada 5
- Caribbean Sea 8
- Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.) 8
- Chile 3
- China 18
- Chukchi Sea 22
- Colorado 8
- Columbia River Watershed 5
- Cuba 3
- East Asia 8
- Erie, Lake 9
- Eurasia 8
- Europe 6
- Florida 20
- Florida, Straits of 5
- Florida Keys (Fla.) 7
- Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (Tex.) 3
- Great Barrier Reef (Qld.) 3
- Great Lakes (North America) 14
- Great Plains 14
- Greenland 44
- Guam 17
- Hawaii 52
- Houston (Tex.) 3
- India 6
- Indian Ocean 21
- Islands of the Pacific 15
- Japan, Sea of 3
- Juan de Fuca Ridge 4
- Korea (South) 8
- Labrador Sea 3
- Laptev Sea (Russia) 3
- Maine, Gulf of 4
- Mariana Islands 3
- Mexico, Gulf of 64
- Michigan 3
- Mid-Atlantic Bight 3
- Mississippi 4
- New Zealand 6
- North America 20
- North Atlantic Ocean 22
- North Atlantic Region 13
- Northeastern States 3
- Northern Hemisphere 5
- Northern Mariana Islands 10
- North Pacific Ocean 38
- North Pacific Region 5
- Northwest, Pacific 6
- Oklahoma 7
- Oregon 6
- Pacific Area 4
- Pacific Coast (U.S.) 4
- Pacific Ocean 69
- Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (Hawaii) 7
- Polar regions 3
- Puerto Rico 3
- Siberia (Russia) 3
- Sierra Nevada (Calif. and Nev.) 3
- Solomon Sea 3
- South America 3
- South Carolina 3
- Southern Ocean 7
- Southern States 8
- Southwestern States 3
- Texas 4
- Tibet, Plateau of 3
- Tropics 3
- United States 126
- West (U.S.) 6
- Yangtze River Delta (China) 3
Select all docs (Max 200)
1 -
20 of 7363 Results
Refine Results:
- AFS (Analyze, Forecast, and Support Office) (6)
- AFSC (Alaska Fisheries Science Center) (214)
- AOML (Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory) (617)
- AR (Alaska Region) (9)
- ARL (Air Resources Laboratory) (150)
- CESSRST (Cooperative Science Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies) (11)
- CICAR (Cooperative Institute for Climate Applications and Research) (7)
- CICOES (Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies) (337)
- CICS (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites) (181)
- CICSM (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites Maryland) (76)
- CICSP (Cooperative Institute for Climate Science) (173)
- CIFAR (Cooperative Institute for Alaska Research) (16)
- CIGLR (Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research) (121)
- CILER (Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research) (20)
- CIMAR (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) (155)
- CIMAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies) (674)
- CIMEAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Systems) (29)
- CIMEC (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystems and Climate) (33)
- CIMERS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystem and Resources Studies) (30)
- CIMES (Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System) (179)
- CIMMS (Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies) (525)
- CIMRS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies) (97)
- CIMSS (Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies) (231)
- CINAR (Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region) (84)
- CIOERT (Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research and Technology) (27)
- CIRA (Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere) (364)
- CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) (3193)
- CISESS (Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies) (303)
- CIWRO (Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations) (226)
- CO-OPS (Center for Operational Oceanographic Products & Services) (11)
- CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System) (211)
- CPC (Climate Prediction Center) (62)
- CPO (Climate Program Office) (270)
- CR (Central Region) (4)
- CREST (Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies and Tech Center at City College of CUNY) (9)
- CSL (Chemical Sciences Laboratory) (656)
- DWH (Deepwater Horizon) (17)
- Education and outreach (4)
- EMC (Environmental Modelling Center) (90)
- ESRL (Earth System Research Laboratory) (1026)
- GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) (331)
- GLERL (Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory) (88)
- GML (Global Monitoring Laboratory) (324)
- GOES-R (Geostationary Operation Environmental Satellite-R Series) (15)
- GOMO (Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing) (39)
- GSL (Global Systems Laboratory) (253)
- HPC (Weather Prediction Center) (10)
- Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (10)
- IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System) (20)
- JIMAR (Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) (183)
- JISAO (Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean) (290)
- JPSS (Joint Polar Satellite System Program Office) (59)
- NCCOS (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science) (74)
- NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) (491)
- NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) (161)
- NCICS (North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies) (30)
- NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center) (55)
- NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) (1035)
- NGI (Northern Gulf Institute) (133)
- NGS (Office of National Geodetic Survey) (8)
- NHC (National Hurricane Center) (30)
- NMF (National Marine Fisheries Service) (9)
- NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) (767)
- NOAA Cooperative Institutes (64)
- NOS (National Ocean Service) (199)
- NSSL (National Severe Storms Laboratory) (583)
- NWFSC (Northwest Fisheries Science Center) (86)
- NWS (National Weather Service) (559)
- OAP (Ocean Acidification Program) (18)
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) (7)
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) (4473)
- OBS (Office of Observations) (8)
- Ocean Exploration Program (36)
- OCM (Office for Coastal Management) (12)
- OCS (Office of Coast Survey) (12)
- OHC (Office of Habitat Conservation) (12)
- OMAO (Office of Marine and Aviation Operations) (17)
- ONMS (Office of National Marine Sanctuaries) (46)
- OPC (Ocean Prediction Center) (5)
- OPR (Office of Protected Resources) (19)
- ORR (Office of Response and Restoration) (5)
- OSPO (Office of Satellite and Product Operations) (5)
- OST (Office of Science and Technology) (35)
- OSTI (Office of Science and Technology Integration) (14)
- OWP (Office of Water Prediction) (6)
- PIFSC (Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center) (231)
- PIR (Pacific Island Region) (16)
- PMEL (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) (488)
- PSL (Physical Sciences Laboratory) (654)
- Sea Grant (96)
- SEFSC (Southeast Fisheries Science Center) (136)
- SER (Southeast Region) (15)
- SPC (Storm Prediction Center) (65)
- SR (Southern Region) (10)
- STAR (Center for Satellite Applications and Research) (452)
- STI (Office of Science and Technology Integration) (11)
- SWFSC (Southwest Fisheries Science Center) (120)
- SWPC (Space Weather Prediction Center) (84)
- WPO (Weather Program Office) (44)
- WR (Western Region) (5)
- Administrative Report (30)
- Conference Proceeding (4)
- Cruise Report (5)
- Data Report (41)
- Dataset (1)
- Journal Article (7089)
- Miscellaneous (9)
- Newsletter (1)
- Non-series Report (26)
- Office Note (2)
- Processed Report (8)
- Program & Policy Document (1)
- Reference Document (5)
- Special Publication (1)
- Technical Memorandum (101)
- Technical Report (36)
- White Paper (1)
- Working Paper (2)
- Aerosols (160)
- Air quality (65)
- Algorithms (40)
- Aquatic Science (133)
- Atmosphere (70)
- Atmospheric chemistry (116)
- Atmospheric Science (686)
- Atmospheric science (92)
- Atmospheric Sciences (23)
- Boundary layer (44)
- Calibration (23)
- Carbon cycle (Biogeochemistry) (23)
- Carbon dioxide (47)
- Climate change (77)
- Climatic changes (173)
- Climatology (172)
- Clouds (140)
- Computers in Earth Sciences (22)
- Convection (Meteorology) (33)
- Coral reefs and islands (70)
- Cyclones (85)
- Data assimilation (36)
- Data sets (25)
- Droughts (42)
- Earth-Surface Processes (37)
- Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (200)
- Ecology (174)
- Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (116)
- El Niño Current (23)
- Emissions (31)
- Ensembles (23)
- Environmental Chemistry (88)
- Environmental Engineering (25)
- Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (47)
- Estimates (22)
- Evaluation (24)
- Fisheries (27)
- Fishery management (28)
- Floods (32)
- Forecasting (101)
- General Chemistry (23)
- General Earth and Planetary Sciences (282)
- General Environmental Science (90)
- General Medicine (28)
- Genetics (30)
- Geochemistry and Petrology (85)
- Geology (60)
- Geophysics (390)
- Glaciers (23)
- Global and Planetary Change (116)
- Greenhouse gases (23)
- Hurricanes (61)
- Hydrology (42)
- Lightning (30)
- Machine learning (48)
- Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (23)
- Mathematical models (176)
- Meteorology (96)
- Methane (31)
- Modeling (24)
- Monitoring (32)
- Multidisciplinary (82)
- Nature and Landscape Conservation (24)
- Numerical weather forecasting (144)
- Observations (98)
- Ocean (31)
- Ocean-atmosphere interaction (81)
- Ocean acidification (29)
- Ocean currents (24)
- Ocean Engineering (63)
- Oceanography (231)
- Ocean temperature (67)
- Ozone (56)
- Paleontology (25)
- Pollution (54)
- Precipitation (75)
- Precipitation (Meteorology) (24)
- Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (23)
- Radar (126)
- Radars/Radar observations (43)
- Rain and rainfall (69)
- Remote sensing (417)
- Research (42)
- Satellites (23)
- Science (30)
- Sea ice (106)
- Sea level (35)
- Severe storms (54)
- Snow (65)
- Space and Planetary Science (219)
- Technology (27)
- Temperature (42)
- Thunderstorms (33)
- Tornadoes (63)
- Troposphere (35)
- Variability (23)
- Water Science and Technology (104)
- Weather forecasting (94)
- Wildfires (37)
- Winds (36)
- Africa (9)
- Africa, East (2)
- Africa, West (3)
- Alabama (5)
- Alaska (29)
- Alaska, Gulf of (Alaska) (7)
- Aleutian Islands (Alaska) (2)
- Amazon River Region (5)
- American Samoa (15)
- Antarctic (2)
- Antarctica (24)
- Antarctic Ocean (18)
- Antarctic Peninsula (Antarctica) (3)
- Arabian Peninsula (2)
- Arabian Sea (2)
- Arctic (21)
- Arctic Coast (Alaska) (4)
- Arctic Ocean (57)
- Arctic regions (62)
- Arctic Regions (6)
- Asia (14)
- Atlantic Coast (U.S.) (5)
- Atlantic Ocean (41)
- Australia (8)
- Barrow Canyon (4)
- Beaufort Sea (8)
- Bering Sea (38)
- Biscayne Bay (Fla.) (3)
- Brazil (4)
- California (31)
- Canada (5)
- Caribbean Sea (8)
- Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.) (8)
- Chile (3)
- China (18)
- Chukchi Sea (22)
- Colorado (8)
- Columbia River Watershed (5)
- Cuba (3)
- East Asia (8)
- Erie, Lake (9)
- Eurasia (8)
- Europe (6)
- Florida (20)
- Florida, Straits of (5)
- Florida Keys (Fla.) (7)
- Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (Tex.) (3)
- Great Barrier Reef (Qld.) (3)
- Great Lakes (North America) (14)
- Great Plains (14)
- Greenland (44)
- Guam (17)
- Hawaii (52)
- Houston (Tex.) (3)
- India (6)
- Indian Ocean (21)
- Islands of the Pacific (15)
- Japan, Sea of (3)
- Juan de Fuca Ridge (4)
- Korea (South) (8)
- Labrador Sea (3)
- Laptev Sea (Russia) (3)
- Maine, Gulf of (4)
- Mariana Islands (3)
- Mexico, Gulf of (64)
- Michigan (3)
- Mid-Atlantic Bight (3)
- Mississippi (4)
- New Zealand (6)
- North America (20)
- North Atlantic Ocean (22)
- North Atlantic Region (13)
- Northeastern States (3)
- Northern Hemisphere (5)
- Northern Mariana Islands (10)
- North Pacific Ocean (38)
- North Pacific Region (5)
- Northwest, Pacific (6)
- Oklahoma (7)
- Oregon (6)
- Pacific Area (4)
- Pacific Coast (U.S.) (4)
- Pacific Ocean (69)
- Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (Hawaii) (7)
- Polar regions (3)
- Puerto Rico (3)
- Siberia (Russia) (3)
- Sierra Nevada (Calif. and Nev.) (3)
- Solomon Sea (3)
- South America (3)
- South Carolina (3)
- Southern Ocean (7)
- Southern States (8)
- Southwestern States (3)
- Texas (4)
- Tibet, Plateau of (3)
- Tropics (3)
- United States (126)
- West (U.S.) (6)
- Yangtze River Delta (China) (3)
- 2019 | Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(3), 1550-1577Description:Observations from a wintertime and summertime field campaign are used to assess the relationship between black and brown carbon (BC and BrC, respectiv...
- 2019 | Geophysical Research Letters, 46(7), 3927-3935.Description:Climate model simulations of the summer South Asian monsoon predict increased rainfall in response to anthropogenic warming. However, instrumental dat...
- Personal Author:Amaladhasan, Dalrin Ampritta ;Heyn, Claudia...2022 | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22(1), 215-244Description:This study presents a characterization of the hygroscopic growth behaviour and effects of different inorganic seed particles on the formation of secon...
- 2022 | ACS Environmental Au, 2(3), 263-274Description:Cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) are anthropogenic chemicals that have come under scrutiny due to their widespread use and environmental persis...