Sea Grant Publications
The Sea Grant Collection consists of research funded by the NOAA National Sea Grant College Program. The emphasis of these documents is on the responsible environmental stewardship and management of the United States' coastal, marine, and Great Lakes resources. This collection includes a range of annual and technical reports, educational/instructional materials, and journal publications. For a complete collection of Sea Grant publications (including print versions of publications), researchers should refer to the NOAA Libraries Catalog.
Select all docs (Max 200)
Narrow Results:
Year Published
- 2025 5
- 2024 51
- 2023 209
- 2022 380
- 2021 458
- 2020 525
- 2019 223
- 2018 393
- 2017 416
- 2016 396
- 2015 232
- 2014 203
- 2013 226
- 2012 223
- 2011 148
- 2010 184
- 2009 188
- 2008 137
- 2007 147
- 2006 140
- 2005 172
- 2004 150
- 2003 146
- 2002 149
- 2001 167
- 2000 138
- 1999 134
- 1998 142
- 1997 157
- 1996 127
- 1995 152
- 1994 163
- 1993 149
- 1992 170
- 1991 151
- 1990 171
- 1989 197
- 1988 181
- 1987 199
- 1986 226
- 1985 271
- 1984 213
- 1983 268
- 1982 266
- 1981 326
- 1980 343
- 1979 375
- 1978 298
- 1977 358
- 1976 310
- 1975 307
- 1974 334
- 1973 308
- 1972 260
- 1971 188
- 1970 115
- 1969 5
Sea Grant Program
- AKU (Alaska Sea Grant) 491
- CASG/CUIMR (California Sea Grant) 677
- CONN (Connecticut Sea Grant) 172
- DELU (Delaware Sea Grant) 277
- FLSGP (Florida Sea Grant) 782
- FLSGP (Florida Sea Grant Program) 16
- GAUS (Georgia Sea Grant) 224
- GLSGN (Great Lakes Sea Grant) 1
- GUAM (UOG Sea Grant) 14
- GUMSG (Gulf of Mexico Sea Grant) 25
- HAWAU (Hawaii Sea Grant) 722
- ILIN (Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant) 214
- LCSG (Lake Champlain Sea Grant) 36
- LSU (Louisiana Sea Grant) 434
- MASGC (Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium) 561
- MDU (Maryland Sea Grant) 287
- MEU (Maine Sea Grant) 357
- MICHU (Michigan Sea Grant) 372
- MINNU (Minnesota Sea Grant) 153
- MINU (Minnesota Sea Grant) 1
- MIT (MIT Sea Grant) 568
- NCU (North Carolina Sea Grant) 510
- NHU (New Hampshire Sea Grant) 405
- NJSGC/NJMSC (New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium) 140
- Northeast Sea Grant Consortium 1
- NSGO/NSGLC (National Sea Grant) 973
- NYSGI/NYEXT (New York Sea Grant) 465
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) 1
- OCEI (Oceans, Coasts and Islands Working Group) 1
- OHSU (Ohio Sea Grant) 679
- ORESU (Oregon Sea Grant) 533
- PASGAP (Pacific Sea Grant Advisory Program) 1
- PENN (Pennsylvania Sea Grant) 66
- PNW (Pacific Northwest) 2
- PRU (Puerto Rico Sea Grant) 78
- RIU (Rhode Island Sea Grant) 576
- SCSGC (South Carolina Sea Grant) 219
- SCU (Southern California Sea Grant) 190
- SGIP (Sea Grant International Program) 1
- TAMU (Texas Sea Grant) 582
- VIMS (Virginia Institute of Marine Science) 12
- VPI (Virginia Polytechnic Institute) 8
- VSGCP (Virginia Sea Grant) 500
- WASHU (Washington Sea Grant) 567
- WHOI (Woods Hole Sea Grant) 208
- WHOI Sea Grant 1
- WISCU (Wisconsin Sea Grant) 286
NOAA Program & Office
- AFSC (Alaska Fisheries Science Center) 33
- AKR (Alaska Region) 1
- AOML (Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory) 9
- AR (Alaska Region) 3
- ARL (Air Resources Laboratory 1
- ARL (Air Resources Laboratory) 1
- CESSRST (Cooperative Science Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies) 4
- CICOES (Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies) 8
- CICS (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites) 1
- CICSM (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites Maryland) 1
- CIFAR (Cooperative Institute for Alaska Research) 5
- CIGLR (Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research) 18
- CILER (Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research) 2
- CIMAR (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) 3
- CIMAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies) 6
- CIMEAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Systems) 2
- CIMEC (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystems and Climate) 2
- CIMERS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystem and Resources Studies) 4
- CIMES (Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System) 2
- CIMMS (Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies) 1
- CIMRS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies) 8
- CIMSS (Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies) 1
- CINAR (Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region) 8
- CIOERT (Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research and Technology) 3
- CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) 7
- CIROH (Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology) 1
- CISESS (Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies) 3
- CIWRO (Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations) 1
- CLIMAS (Climate Assessment for the Southwest) 1
- CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System) 61
- CPC (Climate Prediction Center) 2
- CPO (Climate Program Office) 29
- CSL (Chemical Sciences Laboratory) 2
- DWH (Deepwater Horizon) 29
- Education and outreach 3
- ESRL (Earth System Research Laboratory) 4
- GARF (Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries) 1
- GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) 2
- GLERL (Greal Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory) 1
- GLERL (Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory) 28
- GML (Global Monitoring Laboratory) 1
- GOMO (Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing) 2
- Integrated Ecosystem Assessment 10
- IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System) 17
- JIMAR (Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) 8
- JISAO (Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean) 11
- LMRCSC (Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore) 1
- MPA (Marine Protected Areas) 6
- NCCOS (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science 1
- NCCOS (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science) 59
- NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) 8
- NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) 3
- NCICS (North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies) 1
- NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center) 28
- NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) 3
- NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) 12
- NGI (Northern Gulf Institute) 7
- NGS (Office of National Geodetic Survey) 2
- NHC (National Hurricane Center) 1
- NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) 264
- NOS (Naitonal Ocean Service) 2
- NOS (National Ocean Service) 194
- NWFSC (Northwest Fisheries Science Center) 55
- NWS (National Weather Service) 8
- NYSGI/NYEXT (New York Sea Grant) 7
- OA (Office of Aquaculture) 3
- OAP (Ocean Acidification Program) 9
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) 10277
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research)t 1
- Ocean Exploration Program 6
- OCM (Office for Coastal Management) 27
- OCS (Office of Coast Survey) 1
- OHC (Office of Habitat Conservation) 5
- OMAO (Office of Marine and Aviation Operations) 2
- ONMS (Office of National Marine Sanctuaries) 18
- OPR (Office of Protected Resources) 4
- ORR (Office of Response and Restoration) 5
- OST (Office of Science and Technology) 9
- PIFSC (Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center) 18
- PIR (Pacific Island Region) 2
- PMEL (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) 14
- PSL (Physical Sciences Laboratory) 4
- Sea Grant 12660
- SEFSC (Southeast Fisheries Science Center) 34
- SER (Southeast Region) 6
- STAR (Center for Satellite Applications and Research) 2
- SWFSC (Southwest Fisheries Science Center) 29
- WCR (West Coast Region) 4
Document Type
- Atlas 5
- Bibliography 29
- Catalog 2
- Conference Proceeding 1251
- Contract Report 1
- Cruise Report 2
- Data Report 6
- Dataset 1
- Environmental Assessment 2
- Instructional Material 439
- Journal Article 1983
- Manuals & Handbooks 1095
- Miscellaneous 1339
- Newsletter 1
- Non-series Report 572
- Non-Series Report 6
- Planning Document 16
- Program & Policy Document 852
- Report to Congress 3
- Service Assessment 1
- Special Publication 2
- Technical Bulletin 21
- Technical Memorandum 21
- Technical Report 4993
- White Paper 14
- Working Paper 12
- Algae 32
- Aquaculture 181
- Aquatic Science 151
- Beach erosion 43
- Beaches 39
- Boats and boating 75
- Citizen participation 30
- Climate change 45
- Climatic changes 73
- Coastal ecology 66
- Coastal zone management 247
- Coast changes 42
- Coasts 113
- Congresses 158
- Conservation 53
- Control 27
- Design and construction 37
- Diseases 31
- Dredging 35
- Ecology 208
- Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics 110
- Economic aspects 230
- Education 48
- Environmental aspects 154
- Equipment and supplies 65
- Estuaries 96
- Estuarine ecology 44
- Fish culture 37
- Fisheries 228
- Fishers 29
- Fishery law and legislation 28
- Fishery management 137
- Fishery processing 64
- Fishery processing industries 41
- Fishery products 74
- Fishery resources 31
- Fishes 134
- Fishing 66
- Fishing boats 31
- General Medicine 29
- Genetics 36
- Global and Planetary Change 35
- Government policy 30
- Growth 32
- Habitat 32
- Handbooks, manuals, etc. 33
- Harbors 39
- Hurricanes 28
- Hydrodynamics 75
- Introduced organisms 42
- Land use 38
- Larvae 34
- Law and legislation 87
- Management 80
- Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law 46
- Mariculture 39
- Marinas 41
- Marine biology 55
- Marine ecology 37
- Marine pollution 53
- Marine resources 143
- Marine resources conservation 68
- Marketing 42
- Mathematical models 117
- Measurement 34
- Microbiology 31
- Monitoring 37
- Ocean acidification 39
- Ocean engineering 60
- Oceanography 214
- Ocean waves 35
- Oil spills 31
- Oyster culture 30
- Oysters 72
- Planning 29
- Pollution 65
- Quality control 31
- Remote sensing 37
- Research 201
- Restoration ecology 28
- Salinity 36
- Salt marshes 50
- Sanitation 28
- Science 56
- Seafood 53
- Seafood industry 45
- Sea level 53
- Shorelines 34
- Shore protection 46
- Shrimp fisheries 28
- Strategic planning 34
- Study and teaching 57
- Technology 44
- Trawls and trawling 36
- Underwater acoustics 28
- Water 65
- Water quality 106
- Water quality management 47
- Water Science and Technology 42
- Wetlands 39
Name as Subject
- Alaska Sea Grant College Program. 1
- Alaska Sea Grant Program 3
- Argo Merchant (Ship) 2
- AUV Lab at MIT Sea Grant. 1
- California Sea Grant 1
- Cape Cod Cooperative Extension (Barnstable County, Mass.) 1
- Coastal Community Resilience 1
- Connecticut Sea Grant 2
- Conowingo Dam (Md.) 1
- Deep Sea Roundup (49th : 1984 : Port Aransas, Tex.) 1
- Defence (Ship) 1
- Delaware Sea Grant 2
- Florida Sea Grant 2
- Florida Sea Grant College 1
- Florida Sea Grant College. 1
- Georgia Sea Grant 2
- Georgia Sea Grant. 1
- GLNPO report 1
- Guam Sea Grant 1
- Gulf of Mexico Alliance 1
- Gulf of Mexico Offshore Aquaculture Consortium. 1
- Hall of Fame Fishing Tournament (13th : 1985 : Galveston, Tex.) 1
- House Bill No. 1634 2
- Illinois Indiana Sea Grant 4
- Lake Champlain Sea Grant 2
- Louisiana Sea Grant 2
- Maine Maritime Academy 1
- Maine Sea Grant 2
- Maryland Sea Grant 3
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Sea Grant Program. 1
- Massachusetts Maritime Academy. 1
- Michigan Sea Grant 1
- Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium 1
- Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium. 3
- Mississippi Alabama Sea Grant 1
- Mississippi Marine Resources Council. 1
- National Flood Insurance Program (U.S.) 1
- National Science Foundation (U.S.) 1
- National Sea Grant College Program (U.S.) 10
- National Sea Grant Law Center 1
- National Sea Grant Network 1
- National Sea Grant Office 2
- National Sea Grant Office (U.S.) 1
- National Sea Grant Program (U.S.) 16
- New Hampshire Sea Grant 1
- New Jersey Sea Grant 4
- NOAA Coastal Ocean Program (U.S.) 1
- North Carolina Sea Grant 3
- Ohio Sea Grant 2
- Oregon Sea Grant 1
- Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (Mass.) 1
- Public Law 110-394 1
- Rhode Island Sea Grant 1
- Sea Grant Association 1
- South Carolina Sea Grant 1
- Southern California Sea Grant 2
- Southern Maine Vocational Technical Institute. 1
- Texas A & M University. 1
- Texas A & M University. Sea Grant College Program 2
- Texas A & M University. Sea Grant College Program. 2
- Texas International Fishing Tournament (45th : 1983 : South Padre Island, Tex.) 1
- Texas Sea Grant 2
- This document assesses impacts to terrestrial and marine habitats within the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM or Monument) at Lalo (French Frigate Shoals) in light of a rapidly changing climate. It frames the existing problem(s) and proposes a path forward with respect to investigations and other actions warranted to better understand, predict, and adapt to climate-related impacts at Lalo. It lays out a plan to engage the larger inter-agency working group in this exercise, in a robust and sustainable manner necessary to protect and maintain healthy ecosystems and ecosystem services within PMNM in the coming decades. 1
- Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant (Fla.) 1
- United States. 1
- United States. Commission on Ocean Policy 1
- United States. Commission on Ocean Policy. 1
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency 2
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 4
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 1
- University of Florida 1
- University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Sea Grant Program. 1
- University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program 1
- Virginia Institute of Marine Science 2
- Virginia Institute of Marine Science. 1
- Virginia Sea Grant 3
- Washington Sea Grant 1
- WHOI Sea Grant 3
- Wisconsin Sea Grant 3
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1
Place as Subject
- Alabama 41
- Alaska 115
- Alaska, Gulf of 4
- Arctic regions 5
- Atlantic coast (N.Y.) 4
- Atlantic Coast (New England) 4
- Atlantic Coast (U.S.) 31
- Atlantic Ocean 8
- Bering Sea 11
- Biscayne Bay 7
- California 145
- California, Southern 15
- California Current 7
- Canada 5
- Caribbean Area 6
- Caribbean Sea 5
- Champlain, Lake 6
- Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.) 73
- Chesapeake Bay Region (Md. and Va.) 6
- Connecticut 16
- Delaware 36
- Delaware Bay (Del. and N.J.) 14
- Delaware River Estuary 8
- Erie, Lake 30
- Florida 137
- Georges Bank 6
- Georgia 20
- Grand Traverse Bay (Mich.) 5
- Great Bay 12
- Great Lakes 8
- Great Lakes (North America) 84
- Great Lakes Region (North America) 14
- Green Bay (Wis. and Mich.) 7
- Gulf Coast 6
- Gulf Coast (U.S.) 12
- Gulf States 5
- Hawaii 110
- Illinois 10
- Japan 10
- Lake Michigan 5
- Long Island (N.Y.) 15
- Long Island Sound (N.Y. and Conn.) 14
- Louisiana 54
- Maine 73
- Maine, Gulf of 30
- Marina del Rey 5
- Maryland 25
- Massachusetts 57
- Massachusetts Bay 10
- Mexico 7
- Mexico, Gulf of 135
- Michigan 31
- Michigan, Lake 33
- Middle Atlantic States 9
- Minnesota 9
- Mississippi 92
- Mississippi River Delta (La.) 5
- Mississippi Sound 17
- Mobile Bay (Ala.) 6
- Monterey Bay 14
- Narragansett Bay 9
- Narragansett Bay (R.I.) 13
- Neuse River Estuary (N.C.) 6
- New England 34
- New Hampshire 42
- New Jersey 17
- New York 6
- New York (N.Y.) 6
- New York (State) 61
- New York Bight (N.J. and N.Y.) 28
- New York Harbor (N.Y. and N.J.) 6
- North America 5
- North Atlantic Ocean 22
- North Carolina 119
- Northeastern States 7
- North Pacific Ocean 14
- Northwest, Pacific 18
- Ohio 12
- Ontario, Lake (N.Y. and Ont.) 12
- Ontario, Lake, Region (N.Y. and Ont.) 6
- Oregon 72
- Pacific Coast 7
- Pacific Coast (Calif.) 7
- Pacific Coast (U.S.) 17
- Pacific Ocean 19
- Pamlico Sound (N.C.) 6
- Puerto Rico 11
- Puget Sound (Wash.) 23
- Rhode Island 50
- Saint Lawrence River 5
- San Francisco Bay (Calif.) 8
- San Pedro Bay (Bay) 10
- South Carolina 30
- Southern States 9
- Superior, Lake 9
- Texas 98
- United States 173
- Virginia 64
- Washington (State) 62
- Wisconsin 23
Select all docs (Max 200)
1 -
20 of 12670 Results
Refine Results:
- 2025 (5)
- 2024 (51)
- 2023 (209)
- 2022 (380)
- 2021 (458)
- 2020 (525)
- 2019 (223)
- 2018 (393)
- 2017 (416)
- 2016 (396)
- 2015 (232)
- 2014 (203)
- 2013 (226)
- 2012 (223)
- 2011 (148)
- 2010 (184)
- 2009 (188)
- 2008 (137)
- 2007 (147)
- 2006 (140)
- 2005 (172)
- 2004 (150)
- 2003 (146)
- 2002 (149)
- 2001 (167)
- 2000 (138)
- 1999 (134)
- 1998 (142)
- 1997 (157)
- 1996 (127)
- 1995 (152)
- 1994 (163)
- 1993 (149)
- 1992 (170)
- 1991 (151)
- 1990 (171)
- 1989 (197)
- 1988 (181)
- 1987 (199)
- 1986 (226)
- 1985 (271)
- 1984 (213)
- 1983 (268)
- 1982 (266)
- 1981 (326)
- 1980 (343)
- 1979 (375)
- 1978 (298)
- 1977 (358)
- 1976 (310)
- 1975 (307)
- 1974 (334)
- 1973 (308)
- 1972 (260)
- 1971 (188)
- 1970 (115)
- 1969 (5)
- AKU (Alaska Sea Grant) (491)
- CASG/CUIMR (California Sea Grant) (677)
- CONN (Connecticut Sea Grant) (172)
- DELU (Delaware Sea Grant) (277)
- FLSGP (Florida Sea Grant) (782)
- FLSGP (Florida Sea Grant Program) (16)
- GAUS (Georgia Sea Grant) (224)
- GLSGN (Great Lakes Sea Grant) (1)
- GUAM (UOG Sea Grant) (14)
- GUMSG (Gulf of Mexico Sea Grant) (25)
- HAWAU (Hawaii Sea Grant) (722)
- ILIN (Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant) (214)
- LCSG (Lake Champlain Sea Grant) (36)
- LSU (Louisiana Sea Grant) (434)
- MASGC (Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium) (561)
- MDU (Maryland Sea Grant) (287)
- MEU (Maine Sea Grant) (357)
- MICHU (Michigan Sea Grant) (372)
- MINNU (Minnesota Sea Grant) (153)
- MINU (Minnesota Sea Grant) (1)
- MIT (MIT Sea Grant) (568)
- NCU (North Carolina Sea Grant) (510)
- NHU (New Hampshire Sea Grant) (405)
- NJSGC/NJMSC (New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium) (140)
- Northeast Sea Grant Consortium (1)
- NSGO/NSGLC (National Sea Grant) (973)
- NYSGI/NYEXT (New York Sea Grant) (465)
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) (1)
- OCEI (Oceans, Coasts and Islands Working Group) (1)
- OHSU (Ohio Sea Grant) (679)
- ORESU (Oregon Sea Grant) (533)
- PASGAP (Pacific Sea Grant Advisory Program) (1)
- PENN (Pennsylvania Sea Grant) (66)
- PNW (Pacific Northwest) (2)
- PRU (Puerto Rico Sea Grant) (78)
- RIU (Rhode Island Sea Grant) (576)
- SCSGC (South Carolina Sea Grant) (219)
- SCU (Southern California Sea Grant) (190)
- SGIP (Sea Grant International Program) (1)
- TAMU (Texas Sea Grant) (582)
- VIMS (Virginia Institute of Marine Science) (12)
- VPI (Virginia Polytechnic Institute) (8)
- VSGCP (Virginia Sea Grant) (500)
- WASHU (Washington Sea Grant) (567)
- WHOI (Woods Hole Sea Grant) (208)
- WHOI Sea Grant (1)
- WISCU (Wisconsin Sea Grant) (286)
- AFSC (Alaska Fisheries Science Center) (33)
- AKR (Alaska Region) (1)
- AOML (Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory) (9)
- AR (Alaska Region) (3)
- ARL (Air Resources Laboratory (1)
- ARL (Air Resources Laboratory) (1)
- CESSRST (Cooperative Science Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies) (4)
- CICOES (Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies) (8)
- CICS (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites) (1)
- CICSM (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites Maryland) (1)
- CIFAR (Cooperative Institute for Alaska Research) (5)
- CIGLR (Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research) (18)
- CILER (Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research) (2)
- CIMAR (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) (3)
- CIMAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies) (6)
- CIMEAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Systems) (2)
- CIMEC (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystems and Climate) (2)
- CIMERS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystem and Resources Studies) (4)
- CIMES (Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System) (2)
- CIMMS (Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies) (1)
- CIMRS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies) (8)
- CIMSS (Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies) (1)
- CINAR (Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region) (8)
- CIOERT (Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research and Technology) (3)
- CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) (7)
- CIROH (Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology) (1)
- CISESS (Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies) (3)
- CIWRO (Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations) (1)
- CLIMAS (Climate Assessment for the Southwest) (1)
- CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System) (61)
- CPC (Climate Prediction Center) (2)
- CPO (Climate Program Office) (29)
- CSL (Chemical Sciences Laboratory) (2)
- DWH (Deepwater Horizon) (29)
- Education and outreach (3)
- ESRL (Earth System Research Laboratory) (4)
- GARF (Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries) (1)
- GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) (2)
- GLERL (Greal Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory) (1)
- GLERL (Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory) (28)
- GML (Global Monitoring Laboratory) (1)
- GOMO (Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing) (2)
- Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (10)
- IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System) (17)
- JIMAR (Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) (8)
- JISAO (Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean) (11)
- LMRCSC (Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore) (1)
- MPA (Marine Protected Areas) (6)
- NCCOS (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (1)
- NCCOS (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science) (59)
- NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) (8)
- NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) (3)
- NCICS (North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies) (1)
- NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center) (28)
- NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) (3)
- NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) (12)
- NGI (Northern Gulf Institute) (7)
- NGS (Office of National Geodetic Survey) (2)
- NHC (National Hurricane Center) (1)
- NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) (264)
- NOS (Naitonal Ocean Service) (2)
- NOS (National Ocean Service) (194)
- NWFSC (Northwest Fisheries Science Center) (55)
- NWS (National Weather Service) (8)
- NYSGI/NYEXT (New York Sea Grant) (7)
- OA (Office of Aquaculture) (3)
- OAP (Ocean Acidification Program) (9)
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) (10277)
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research)t (1)
- Ocean Exploration Program (6)
- OCM (Office for Coastal Management) (27)
- OCS (Office of Coast Survey) (1)
- OHC (Office of Habitat Conservation) (5)
- OMAO (Office of Marine and Aviation Operations) (2)
- ONMS (Office of National Marine Sanctuaries) (18)
- OPR (Office of Protected Resources) (4)
- ORR (Office of Response and Restoration) (5)
- OST (Office of Science and Technology) (9)
- PIFSC (Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center) (18)
- PIR (Pacific Island Region) (2)
- PMEL (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) (14)
- PSL (Physical Sciences Laboratory) (4)
- Sea Grant (12660)
- SEFSC (Southeast Fisheries Science Center) (34)
- SER (Southeast Region) (6)
- STAR (Center for Satellite Applications and Research) (2)
- SWFSC (Southwest Fisheries Science Center) (29)
- WCR (West Coast Region) (4)
- Atlas (5)
- Bibliography (29)
- Catalog (2)
- Conference Proceeding (1251)
- Contract Report (1)
- Cruise Report (2)
- Data Report (6)
- Dataset (1)
- Environmental Assessment (2)
- Instructional Material (439)
- Journal Article (1983)
- Manuals & Handbooks (1095)
- Miscellaneous (1339)
- Newsletter (1)
- Non-series Report (572)
- Non-Series Report (6)
- Planning Document (16)
- Program & Policy Document (852)
- Report to Congress (3)
- Service Assessment (1)
- Special Publication (2)
- Technical Bulletin (21)
- Technical Memorandum (21)
- Technical Report (4993)
- White Paper (14)
- Working Paper (12)
- Algae (32)
- Aquaculture (181)
- Aquatic Science (151)
- Beach erosion (43)
- Beaches (39)
- Boats and boating (75)
- Citizen participation (30)
- Climate change (45)
- Climatic changes (73)
- Coastal ecology (66)
- Coastal zone management (247)
- Coast changes (42)
- Coasts (113)
- Congresses (158)
- Conservation (53)
- Control (27)
- Design and construction (37)
- Diseases (31)
- Dredging (35)
- Ecology (208)
- Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (110)
- Economic aspects (230)
- Education (48)
- Environmental aspects (154)
- Equipment and supplies (65)
- Estuaries (96)
- Estuarine ecology (44)
- Fish culture (37)
- Fisheries (228)
- Fishers (29)
- Fishery law and legislation (28)
- Fishery management (137)
- Fishery processing (64)
- Fishery processing industries (41)
- Fishery products (74)
- Fishery resources (31)
- Fishes (134)
- Fishing (66)
- Fishing boats (31)
- General Medicine (29)
- Genetics (36)
- Global and Planetary Change (35)
- Government policy (30)
- Growth (32)
- Habitat (32)
- Handbooks, manuals, etc. (33)
- Harbors (39)
- Hurricanes (28)
- Hydrodynamics (75)
- Introduced organisms (42)
- Land use (38)
- Larvae (34)
- Law and legislation (87)
- Management (80)
- Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (46)
- Mariculture (39)
- Marinas (41)
- Marine biology (55)
- Marine ecology (37)
- Marine pollution (53)
- Marine resources (143)
- Marine resources conservation (68)
- Marketing (42)
- Mathematical models (117)
- Measurement (34)
- Microbiology (31)
- Monitoring (37)
- Ocean acidification (39)
- Ocean engineering (60)
- Oceanography (214)
- Ocean waves (35)
- Oil spills (31)
- Oyster culture (30)
- Oysters (72)
- Planning (29)
- Pollution (65)
- Quality control (31)
- Remote sensing (37)
- Research (201)
- Restoration ecology (28)
- Salinity (36)
- Salt marshes (50)
- Sanitation (28)
- Science (56)
- Seafood (53)
- Seafood industry (45)
- Sea level (53)
- Shorelines (34)
- Shore protection (46)
- Shrimp fisheries (28)
- Strategic planning (34)
- Study and teaching (57)
- Technology (44)
- Trawls and trawling (36)
- Underwater acoustics (28)
- Water (65)
- Water quality (106)
- Water quality management (47)
- Water Science and Technology (42)
- Wetlands (39)
- Alaska Sea Grant College Program. (1)
- Alaska Sea Grant Program (3)
- Argo Merchant (Ship) (2)
- AUV Lab at MIT Sea Grant. (1)
- California Sea Grant (1)
- Cape Cod Cooperative Extension (Barnstable County, Mass.) (1)
- Coastal Community Resilience (1)
- Connecticut Sea Grant (2)
- Conowingo Dam (Md.) (1)
- Deep Sea Roundup (49th : 1984 : Port Aransas, Tex.) (1)
- Defence (Ship) (1)
- Delaware Sea Grant (2)
- Florida Sea Grant (2)
- Florida Sea Grant College (1)
- Florida Sea Grant College. (1)
- Georgia Sea Grant (2)
- Georgia Sea Grant. (1)
- GLNPO report (1)
- Guam Sea Grant (1)
- Gulf of Mexico Alliance (1)
- Gulf of Mexico Offshore Aquaculture Consortium. (1)
- Hall of Fame Fishing Tournament (13th : 1985 : Galveston, Tex.) (1)
- House Bill No. 1634 (2)
- Illinois Indiana Sea Grant (4)
- Lake Champlain Sea Grant (2)
- Louisiana Sea Grant (2)
- Maine Maritime Academy (1)
- Maine Sea Grant (2)
- Maryland Sea Grant (3)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Sea Grant Program. (1)
- Massachusetts Maritime Academy. (1)
- Michigan Sea Grant (1)
- Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium (1)
- Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium. (3)
- Mississippi Alabama Sea Grant (1)
- Mississippi Marine Resources Council. (1)
- National Flood Insurance Program (U.S.) (1)
- National Science Foundation (U.S.) (1)
- National Sea Grant College Program (U.S.) (10)
- National Sea Grant Law Center (1)
- National Sea Grant Network (1)
- National Sea Grant Office (2)
- National Sea Grant Office (U.S.) (1)
- National Sea Grant Program (U.S.) (16)
- New Hampshire Sea Grant (1)
- New Jersey Sea Grant (4)
- NOAA Coastal Ocean Program (U.S.) (1)
- North Carolina Sea Grant (3)
- Ohio Sea Grant (2)
- Oregon Sea Grant (1)
- Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (Mass.) (1)
- Public Law 110-394 (1)
- Rhode Island Sea Grant (1)
- Sea Grant Association (1)
- South Carolina Sea Grant (1)
- Southern California Sea Grant (2)
- Southern Maine Vocational Technical Institute. (1)
- Texas A & M University. (1)
- Texas A & M University. Sea Grant College Program (2)
- Texas A & M University. Sea Grant College Program. (2)
- Texas International Fishing Tournament (45th : 1983 : South Padre Island, Tex.) (1)
- Texas Sea Grant (2)
- This document assesses impacts to terrestrial and marine habitats within the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM or Monument) at Lalo (French Frigate Shoals) in light of a rapidly changing climate. It frames the existing problem(s) and proposes a path forward with respect to investigations and other actions warranted to better understand, predict, and adapt to climate-related impacts at Lalo. It lays out a plan to engage the larger inter-agency working group in this exercise, in a robust and sustainable manner necessary to protect and maintain healthy ecosystems and ecosystem services within PMNM in the coming decades. (1)
- Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant (Fla.) (1)
- United States. (1)
- United States. Commission on Ocean Policy (1)
- United States. Commission on Ocean Policy. (1)
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency (2)
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (4)
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (1)
- University of Florida (1)
- University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Sea Grant Program. (1)
- University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program (1)
- Virginia Institute of Marine Science (2)
- Virginia Institute of Marine Science. (1)
- Virginia Sea Grant (3)
- Washington Sea Grant (1)
- WHOI Sea Grant (3)
- Wisconsin Sea Grant (3)
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (1)
- Alabama (41)
- Alaska (115)
- Alaska, Gulf of (4)
- Arctic regions (5)
- Atlantic coast (N.Y.) (4)
- Atlantic Coast (New England) (4)
- Atlantic Coast (U.S.) (31)
- Atlantic Ocean (8)
- Bering Sea (11)
- Biscayne Bay (7)
- California (145)
- California, Southern (15)
- California Current (7)
- Canada (5)
- Caribbean Area (6)
- Caribbean Sea (5)
- Champlain, Lake (6)
- Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.) (73)
- Chesapeake Bay Region (Md. and Va.) (6)
- Connecticut (16)
- Delaware (36)
- Delaware Bay (Del. and N.J.) (14)
- Delaware River Estuary (8)
- Erie, Lake (30)
- Florida (137)
- Georges Bank (6)
- Georgia (20)
- Grand Traverse Bay (Mich.) (5)
- Great Bay (12)
- Great Lakes (8)
- Great Lakes (North America) (84)
- Great Lakes Region (North America) (14)
- Green Bay (Wis. and Mich.) (7)
- Gulf Coast (6)
- Gulf Coast (U.S.) (12)
- Gulf States (5)
- Hawaii (110)
- Illinois (10)
- Japan (10)
- Lake Michigan (5)
- Long Island (N.Y.) (15)
- Long Island Sound (N.Y. and Conn.) (14)
- Louisiana (54)
- Maine (73)
- Maine, Gulf of (30)
- Marina del Rey (5)
- Maryland (25)
- Massachusetts (57)
- Massachusetts Bay (10)
- Mexico (7)
- Mexico, Gulf of (135)
- Michigan (31)
- Michigan, Lake (33)
- Middle Atlantic States (9)
- Minnesota (9)
- Mississippi (92)
- Mississippi River Delta (La.) (5)
- Mississippi Sound (17)
- Mobile Bay (Ala.) (6)
- Monterey Bay (14)
- Narragansett Bay (9)
- Narragansett Bay (R.I.) (13)
- Neuse River Estuary (N.C.) (6)
- New England (34)
- New Hampshire (42)
- New Jersey (17)
- New York (6)
- New York (N.Y.) (6)
- New York (State) (61)
- New York Bight (N.J. and N.Y.) (28)
- New York Harbor (N.Y. and N.J.) (6)
- North America (5)
- North Atlantic Ocean (22)
- North Carolina (119)
- Northeastern States (7)
- North Pacific Ocean (14)
- Northwest, Pacific (18)
- Ohio (12)
- Ontario, Lake (N.Y. and Ont.) (12)
- Ontario, Lake, Region (N.Y. and Ont.) (6)
- Oregon (72)
- Pacific Coast (7)
- Pacific Coast (Calif.) (7)
- Pacific Coast (U.S.) (17)
- Pacific Ocean (19)
- Pamlico Sound (N.C.) (6)
- Puerto Rico (11)
- Puget Sound (Wash.) (23)
- Rhode Island (50)
- Saint Lawrence River (5)
- San Francisco Bay (Calif.) (8)
- San Pedro Bay (Bay) (10)
- South Carolina (30)
- Southern States (9)
- Superior, Lake (9)
- Texas (98)
- United States (173)
- Virginia (64)
- Washington (State) (62)
- Wisconsin (23)
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