The State Of Sea Grant 2014 : Impacts, Challenges And Opportunities : Biennial Report To Congress By The National Sea Grant Advisory Board, November 2014
Alternative Title:Biennial report to Congress by the National Sea Grant Advisory Board, November 2014
Corporate Authors:
NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:"The purpose of this report is to fulfill reporting responsibilities established in 2008 by the National Sea Grant Act, PL110-394. The National Sea Grant Advisory Board is charged with reporting to Congress every two years on the state of the National Sea Grant College Program. This report responds to Recommendations offered in The State of Sea Grant 2012, highlights program accomplishments and challenges, and provides updates on activities over the past two years. Finally, the report makes recommendations for the coming years"--Executive Summary.
Content Notes:NOAA National Sea Grant College Program.
System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Includes bibliographical references (page 28).
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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