Mapping data acquisition and processing report, cruise EX-14-04 Leg 1 : Ship shakedown & patch test & exploration, New England Seamounts (mapping), August 9 - August 29, 2014 N. Kingstown, RI - N. Kingstown, RI
Series: EX-14-04
Alternative Title:Cruise EX-14-04 Leg 1;EX-14-04 Leg 1 mapping data report;Mapping data report, EX1404L1;
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:"The purpose of this report is to briefly describe the mapping data collection and processing methods, and to report the results of the cruise. For a detailed description of Okeanos Explorer mapping capabilities, see the appendices section 'Kongsberg EM 302 Multibeam Sonar Description and Operational Specifications' and the ship's readiness report, which can be obtained by contacting the ships operations officer (ops.explorer@noaa.gov). This report focuses on exploration expedition EX-14-04 Leg 1, during which a ship shakedown and patch test were conducted, as well as mapping of seamounts within the New England Seamounts Chain in the North Atlantic Ocean"--Report purpose. [doi:10.7289/V5QN64RZ (http://dx.doi.org/10.7289/V5QN64RZ)]
Content Notes:report contributors: Derek Sowers, Elizabeth "Meme" Lobecker, Lindsay McKenna, LT Emily Rose, Jacklyn James, Mashkoor Malik ; NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research.
"October 27, 2015."
doi:10.7289/V5QN64RZ (http://dx.doi.org/10.7289/V5QN64RZ)
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Includes bibliographical references (page 31).
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Name as Subject:United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Office of Ocean Exploration and Research ; Okeanos Explorer (Ship) ; Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1404L1 : 2014) ; United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Office of Ocean Exploration and Research ; Okeanos Explorer (Ship) ; ... More +
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