Big game fishing in northern Gulf of Mexico during 1990
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Description:"The 1990 season marked the 20th anniversary of the National Marine Fisheries Service's (NMFS) Recreation Billfishing Survey in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Although some preliminary studies had been made on the billfishes (i.e., blue marlin, Makaira nigricans; white marlin, Tetrapturus albidus; sailfish; Istiophorous platypterus; swordfish, Xiphias gladius; and longbill spearfish, Tetrapturus pfluegeri) of the Gulf area, yearly consistent/comprable data collections were not begun until 1971. Studies on these long-lived species were initiated from the Panama City, Florida, NMFS Laboratory to obtain indices of abundance and distribution estimates, and collect relevant biological and ecological data. information derived from this study has been vital to management decisions concerning this fishery resource. The data are aquired primarily by port samplers conducting on-site interviews with recreational billfishing anglers at major ports from St. Petersburg, Florida to Port Isabel, Texas. Date are also provided by anglers voluntarily phoning or mailing in information regarding their big game fishing trips. In our analyses, data are generally summarized for three primary regions of the northern Gulf: northwestern, northcentral and northeastern (Fig. 1). In the northwestern Gulf, Texas is divided into three sections: eastern (Freeport, TX to the Texas-Louisiana border), central (Port O'Connor to Corpus Christi), and southern (Port Mansfield to the Texas-Mexico border) for continuity in data analyses"--Introduction.
Content Notes:by Paul J. Pristas and Anna M. Avrigian.
"August 1991."
"This publication is contribution MIA-90/91-74 from the Southeast Fisheries Center, Miami Laboratory, Oceanic Pelagic Resources Division."--Page ii.
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