National Marine Fisheries Service habitat conservation efforts in the southeastern United States for 1990
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Description:The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) in the southeastern United States regulates development activities affecting thousands of acres of wetlands every year. Despite substantial regulatory effort, the COE does not monitor the effectiveness of its regulatory program with regard to marine and estuarine fishery habitat conservation and other purposes of the Clean Water Act, River and Harbor Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act and related legislation. The Habitat Conservation Division of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Southeast Region maintains a computerized database from which some measure of effectiveness of COE and other federal regulatory and civil works programs in the southeast is possible. This report provides information, for calendar year 1990, on the scope, significance, and effectiveness of the COE Regulatory Program and the NMFS Habitat Conservation Program in the southeastern United States. In 1990, in the southeast, the NMFS reviewed 4,120 project applications or proposals for work in waters of the United States. Of these, detailed information on proposed habitat losses associated with 872 projects is available. Alteration of more than 31,282 wetland acres was proposed in association with the 872 projects examined. Of this amount, the NMFS recommended conserving 13,092 wetland acres and mitigation of 12,547 wetland acres. The COE fully accepted NMFS habitat conservation recommendations on about 7 percent of the projects reviewed. NMFS recommendations were partially accepted 7 percent of the time and not accepted 12 percent of the time.
Content Notes:by Andreas Mager, Jr. and David H. Rackley.
"December 1991."
Also available online in PDF format via the NOAA Central Library.
Includes bibliographical references (page 8).
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