Proposal for a management capacity building program to support the Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA)
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:"At the December 2011 Global Environment Facility (GEF) PIPA Inception Workshop meeting, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), was asked to join the GEF PIPA Management Group to help identify capacity building needs of the PIPA staff and PIPA Management Committee ministry staff with the goal of moving towards making the PIPA Management Plan operational. Towards this end the NOAA International MPA Capacity Building Program worked with the PIPA Director, GEF PIPA Management Group (GEF PMG) and PIPA Management Committee (PMC) to undertake a needs assessment to identify capacity building needs. After completing the needs assessment, NOAA convened a three-day workshop during which a Capacity Building Planning Team composed of PMC representatives, the PIPA Director, and Conservation International designed a framework for the PIPA capacity building program"--Executive summary.
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