Pacific Coast groundfish 5-year review of essential fish habitat : report to the Pacific Fishery Management Council. Phase 1, New information
Alternative Title:Pacific Coast groundfish EFH 5-year review
Corporate Authors:
NOAA Program & Office:
Description:"This Phase 1 report summarizes the results of the review of information that is new or newly available since the last Groundfish EFH Review was concluded in 2006. The report includes a description of the general requirements and elements of EFH, including guidance for periodic reviews; a summary of existing descriptions of EFH for Pacific Coast groundfish; updated maps of seafloor habitat types and bathymetry; the currently available information on the distribution of Pacific Coast groundfish; a summary of models to predict groundfish distribution relative to habitat types, as well as trophic and ecosystem models useful for groundfish EFH; summaries of new information on the life history and habitat requirements of the 91 species in the Pacific Groundfish FMP; updated information on threats to groundfish EFH and prey species, both from fishing and non-fishing activities; and identification of research needs to further refine groundfish EFH"--Executive summary.
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