NOAA ARRA USVI Watershed Stabilization Project : Coral Bay Watershed Management Project, Carolina Valley drainage improvements
Alternative Title:NOAA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009;Coral Bay Watershed Management Project;Carolina Valley drainage improvements;
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Description:"The Carolina Valley Watershed contains one primary ghut (Main Ghut) and several other runoff pathways that drain a large uphill area with residential neighborhoods scattered across steep hillsides and accessed primarily by unpaved roads. Development and poor stormwater management has resulted in greater sediment and stormwater flows into the bay from this watershed. These actions plus erosion from unpaved roads have increased sedimentation (Photo 1). The goals of the five projects in this watershed are to build both a bioretention pond and a sediment retention basin to capture and control sediment-laden flows, stabilize three unpaved road areas, and implement other stormwater best management practices (BMPs); thereby reducing sediment entering Coral Bay"--Executive summary.
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