An inner-core analysis of the axisymmetric and asymmetric intensification of tropical cyclones: Influence of shear
Source: MAUSAM, 70(4), 667-690
Journal Title:MAUSAM
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:The state-of-the-art in intensity forecasting is provided using the Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) modeling system as the basis. A brief review of existing axisymmetric theory for the intensification of tropical cyclones (TCs) is also provided. Two cloud-resolving simulations from HWRF, one from an idealized case and another from a retrospective forecast of Super Cyclone Phalin (2013), are used to understand the axisymmetric, rapid intensification (RI) process. However, TCs are rarely axisymmetric. The asymmetric structure in the inner core of a TC may be generated by both internal dynamics and external forcing due to environmental factors such as shear and moisture. We use a retrospective HWRF run from Atlantic Hurricane Earl (2010) to understand the role of shear-induced asymmetries on the RI of TCs. We seek to address the following questions: How do TCs rapidly intensify in a sheared environment? What is the role of eddy fluxes on TC intensification? Is the well-accepted theoretical framework of TC intensification still valid for sheared storms undergoing RI?
Source:MAUSAM, 70(4), 667-690
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Rights Information:CC BY-NC
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