Assessment of the status of the Atlantic menhaden stock with reference to internal waters processing
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Description:"This assessment of the status of Atlantic menhaden stock was undertaken at the request of the Atlantic Menhaden Advisory committee (AMAC) for the Atlantic states Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) in its role of providing advice to the individual states for responding to Internal Waters Processing (IWP) applications. The ASMFC adopted a resolution for undertaking reviews of IWP applications and the 1989 New England Governors Conference requested guidance from ASMFC for Atlantic sea herrings IWPs. One Atlantic menhaden IWP operated during the 1988 and 1989 fishing years with a quota of 40,000 metric tons. Two applications for Atlantic menhaden were received for the 1990 fishing year, both for 40,000 t in Maine. This report was developed to provide currently available scientific information on the status of the Atlantic menhaden stock relative to IWP applications in New England waters"--Executive summary, paragraph 1.
Content Notes:Douglas S. Vaughan.
"June 1990."
Also available online in PDF via the NOAA Central Library.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 18-19).
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