Occurrence, endocrine-related bioeffects and fate of bisphenol A chemical degradation intermediates and impurities: A review
Source: Chemosphere, 207, 469-480
Journal Title:Chemosphere
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:In recent decades, increasing attention has been directed toward the effects of bisphenol A (BPA) as an environmental pollutant, primarily due to its demonstrated endocrine-disruptive effects. A growing body of evidence indicates that many BPA derivatives also exhibit endocrine activity and other adverse biological properties. A review of the published literature was performed to identify BPA degradation intermediates resulting from chemical degradation processes of BPA, as well as BPA's associated co-pollutants. Products of biological metabolism were not included in this study. Seventy-nine chemicals were identified. Of these chemicals, a subset - those containing two 6-membered aromatic rings connected by a central ring-linking carbon - was identified, and a further literature review was conducted to identify demonstrated biological effects associated with the chemicals in this subset. The objectives of this review were to assess the potential risks to human and environmental health associated with BPA derivatives, characterize our current understanding of BPA's degradation intermediates and co-pollutants, and aid in the identification of compounds of interest that have received insufficient scrutiny.
Source:Chemosphere, 207, 469-480
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Rights Information:Accepted Manuscript
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