Current State of Data Assimilation Capabilities at NCEP’s Environmental Modeling Center
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Description:Skill from operational numerical models continues to improve through investments in all aspects of the system. This includes increases in computing power, new observations, advanced data assimilation, and improved forecast models (Bauer et al. 2015; Simmons and Hollingsworth 2002). Data assimilation is most typically applied to obtain the best estimate of the state of the Earth system for the purposes of supplying initial conditions for a forecast. Such applications must necessarily reflect a balance between the model and observed state. This is all to ensure that forecasts are skillful and not dominated by unstable computational modes from imbalances in the initial conditions. The majority of this document will focus on the history and current status of this application of data assimilation, as it makes up a large majority of the data assimilation activities at the Environmental Modeling Center (EMC).
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