A summarization and discussion of age and growth of spot, Leiostomus xanthurus Lacépède, sand seatrout, Cynoscion arenarius Ginsburg, and silver seatrout, Cynoscion nothus (Holbrook), based on a literature review
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Description:The literature dealing with age and growth of spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), sand seatrout (Cynoscion arenatius) and silver seatrout'(C. nothus) was reviewed. Length-frequency analysis was the most frequently used technique for ageing the three species; however, size overlap renders the technique progressively unsuitable as the fish grow older. Otolith and scale analysis, both of which have been verified as usable for ageing spot, yielded reported ages of up to 3 and 4.5 years respectively. A mathematical summary of age and growth information was developed using least-squares regression analysis. A composition growth rate (Y A:Tu where Y - mean total length in millimeters, X = mean age in months, A = 6.89 x 10-2, and B = 2.20 X 10-3) was obtained. Length-frequency analysis was the only successful method reported for ageing the two seatrouts. Up to three age classes have been identified for sand seatrout. The life span for silver seatrout has been estimated as being little more than one year. Analysis of growth of the seatrouts was not possible due to insufficient data. The techniques used and the problems involved are discussed and recommendations for future work are made.
Content Notes:Lyman E. Barger, Mark L. Williams.
Also available online in PDF format via the NOAA Central Library.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 7-8).
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